101-year-old italian survivor of 1918 flu, world war, and now coronavirus

101-year-old italian survivor of 1918 flu, world war, and now coronavirus

The patient known as 'Mr P' was admitted to the Infirmi Hospital in Rimini, Italy last week after testing positive for COVID-19.

Mr. P. was born in 1919, at the height of the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed an estimated 600,000 Italians. And on Wednesday night, 101 years later, Mr. P. was discharged from the hospital and his family took him home.

Rimini Vice Mayor Gloria Lisi made a statement in the local newspaper ReminiToday about the incredible person:

Mr. P. from Rimini was born in 1919, in the midst of another tragic global pandemic. He saw everything, hunger, pain, crisis, progress and rebirth. Having overcome the 100-year barrier, fate presented him with this new challenge, invisible and terrible at the same time.

Mr P. was hospitalized in Rimini last week after testing positive for COVID-19. Within days, it became a 'story' for the doctors, nurses and the rest of the medical staff who treated him.

However, Mr. P. was cured. His family took him home last night to teach us that even at 101, the future is still ahead. '

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