In June 2011, using the Pan-STARRS telescopes located near the top of Haleakala on the island of Maui (Hawaii, USA), was Comet C / 2011 L4 is discovered. By March 5, 2013, the distance between it and the Earth will reach 1.09 a. e. From now on until perihelion (10 March) its brightness will be very significant: most likely, in the area –1m (average between Canopus and Sirius). Photo from open sources Comet Lovejoy was significantly less, therefore, if ISON turns out to be composed of persistent types of ice, it can outshine all predecessors, that have been observed in recent decades. (Photo by Wikimedia Commons.) For the second comet, opened on September 21 last year astronomy lovers Vitaly Nevsky from Belarus and Artyom Beginner from Russia with a 0.4-meter reflector (project International Scientific Optical Network, International Scientific Optical Network, near Kislovodsk), the moment of truth will come a little later, but perhaps more impressive. If the nucleus of a comet ISON (by the name of the discovered network) will survive the rapprochement with the Sun 29 November 2013, when the distance from it to the luminary will be make up a pitiful 1.1 million km, then the visibility of the C / 2012 S1 can reach –13m magnitude, that is, the brightness of the full moon! And if so happens, it will become the brightest comet of the first half of the XXI century! As a matter of fact, why we shouted: then you yourself are all take a good look, the benefit of such an object will be clearly visible even in the afternoon. For comparison, recall: Ikea Comet – Seki, record holder last century, very similar to C / 2012 S1, at the time of rapprochement with The sun had a luster of “only” −10 magnitude. Huge the tail of a new comet can reach sizes. And all this splendor should end in January 2014, but a sight (if the comet lucky) will be worthy. Moreover, the comet will be seen just from Northern Hemisphere, that is, us and you, which has already caused comments from outside as astronomy lovers … … and professionals calling for осторожности в оценках: Впрочем, два слова о”if you’re lucky”. Comet discovered by Russian and Belarusian lovers, very long-period: estimated, staying on this in orbit, it must approach the Sun every two million years. If her current rapprochement is first (that is, she never left the Oort clouds and did not “see” bright stars near), then her the surface is covered with ice from gases that easily evaporate long close hugs with the sun. Then, alas, it will sharply reduce the diameter nuclei and significantly lose in brightness, and observe it among the bel day near the sun will not work. Huge hypothesis speaks for this hypothesis period of rotation of the comet, against – a significant size of the heavenly Bodies: The core of C / 2012 S1 is estimated to reach 3 km in diameter. Prepared by Phys.Org and the International Scientific optical network.
Russia Sun