Last year we witnessed a bright space event – the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. In the entire history of meteorics, never such a vivid spectacular picture of the fall of a large a meteorite accompanied by strong explosive effects. So what most valuable, the flight of the car was recorded by numerous video cameras.
However, few people know that in the evening of May 14, 1934 over Moscow the region was observed no less bright car, visible from Moscow, Ryazan, Tula, Torzhok and other cities. He completed his flight in Borovsk area. This car was very interested in our wonderful scientist, founder of astronautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky, but in search alleged meteorites attended by legendary researcher Tunguska meteorite L.A. Sandpiper. However, all attempts to find the fallen objects to this day have not been successful.
A photo from open sources
Fig. 1. Borovsky car. Painting N.I. Fedorova.
78 years passed, and at the beginning of May 2012 a resident of the city Maloyaroslavets Roman Nikolaevich Rubtsov, being in the forest in several kilometers from the city, drew attention to strange charred stones and pieces of black glass. He connected their nature with meteorites. Taking several images, Rubtsov came to the Committee on meteorites GEOCHI RAS, where no interest was shown in his findings. Despite this, he independently tried to determine the nature of his findings and continued collecting samples. In total, they found several thousand pieces of glass with a total weight of 270 kg and 350 kg of iron fragments. Weight individual glasses reached 3 kg, the maximum weight of the iron fragment amounted to 50 kg. He soon came to the conclusion that pieces of glass may be tektites in the interpretation of the comet researcher meteorites E.V. Dmitrieva, after which he contacted him through The Internet.
Having received samples of finds from Rubtsov, I noticed that the fragments of black glass in morphology were no different from Nizhny Novgorod tektites, space (comet) origin which can be considered a proven fact. Some meteorites constituted a conglomerate, which includes all types of finds, therefore, we can assume that the other objects found are also are comet meteorites.
Rubtsov, west of Obninsk, was examined a wooded area 3×8 km. According to tradition, the finds were given the common name – protvanites, as they were discovered not far from the Protva river bed. Samples are mainly represented by three types of cometary matter: protvanite tektites (composition – calcium silicate), aluminosilicates and iron protvanites. All samples in composition fit well into the classification of comet meteorites, compiled based on studies of 15 falls and 5 finds of a comet substances. By the nature of the occurrence of samples in the soil, expressed assumption of a possible connection between their appearance and Borovsky car.
A photo from open sources
R.N. Scar with proctanite tektites.
A photo from open sources
Fig. 3. R.N. Scar with iron provanitami.
Earlier, in my articles I have repeatedly addressed Russian scientists asking them to verify the results of their research, but no reaction followed. One can hope this time, Borovsky comet meteorite, which fell near scientific centers countries and the authority of Tsiolkovsky should attract the attention of our scientists to this unique space event, which in its scientific significance an order of magnitude superior to the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite. If this time, the Borovsky comet meteorite the fate of the Tunguska meteorite will befall, then, sadly, end up with Russia losing its priority for the umpteenth time this time, in solving the burning problems of the universe – origin tektites, comets and the appearance of life on Earth.
For more details see the article “Borovsky comet meteorite”, published in the recently released “System of the Planet Land”.