This November and December will be marked by an unusually large moon during the full moon. So the satellite of the Earth will look like due to the closest approach to our planet. At the same time, the November Moon will reach a record large size over the past 68 years.
A supermoon is usually understood as an astronomical phenomenon in which the full moon coincides with the moment of the closest approach of the moon and the earth. At this time, the satellite of our planet seems to be 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual and resembles a huge flaming ball, since it passes the point of its orbit closest to our planet – perigee (50 thousand kilometers closer than when the Moon passes the most distant point – apogee). Such fluctuations in the distance between the Moon and the Earth are associated with the elliptical shape of the satellite’s orbit.
This is the second Super Moon in 2016. The previous similar phenomenon was registered on October 16. The next rise of such an unusually large moon will happen on December 13th. According to astronomers’ calculations, November’s Super Moon will become the brightest moon until 2034.
A special feature of the December ‘supermoon’ is that the bright light of the moon will ‘obscure’ the Geminid meteor shower, which will illuminate the Earth’s night sky just in the second week of December. In view of this, such a brilliant cosmic ‘fireworks’ will be barely noticeable to observers of the heavenly bodies.