A grandiose comet is hanging these days in the western the horizon

Astrologers wonder what it will bring earthlings. In these March days in the west, immediately after sunset, even without binoculars or telescope, you can observe the brightest comet. She became the biggest over the past decades. Sunday evening – a sight especially beautiful, the comet moves near the crescent just the born moon.

A photo from open sources

This celestial body is not called too romantic – C / 2011 L4 Pan-Starrs. Previously, comets were called after the person who discovered, for example, Halley’s comet is called so because it was discovered Halley. But now they have abandoned this system. However, a hint of there is still a pioneer, because she was noticed by a telescope Pan-Starrs in Hawaii in the summer of 2011. Observations long ago automated, that’s the comet was named after not a man, but soulless telescope. The comet is unique in that it is the first time visits the solar system. Where comets come from is not yet clear, most likely from interstellar space. Astronomers suggest that the so-called Oort cloud is located there, from where the attraction The comet grabs the sun, and binds to itself. Here is C / 2011 L4 Pan-Starrs and snatched – just. Now she will pass next to the sun, and will circle around it. But while the orbit is very elongated, the comet will go into interstellar space and only return in 110 thousand years. Then the comet’s orbit will be more closely connected with the sun, and in a few million years it will fall on ours daylight. Comets are the oldest substance in the vicinity of the earth, older than all the planets. They consist of ice mixed with stones. Ice evaporates when the comet approaches the sun, around the comet a luminous shell is formed – the head. The sun is blowing on my head a stream of solar wind – these are such charged particles, parts upper shell of the sun. As a result, the head is deformed, and beyond it forms a tail, always directed away from the sun. Then comet removed, head and tail disappear. It is believed that comets brought life on earth, although this has not yet been proven. If this is true, then life, which is not in the solar system itself, for some reason is in the space between the stars. But the seeds of life sprout only there where there are conditions for this. They were on Earth, but not on the Moon. Comets sometimes fall to Earth – precisely during such falls on alien biological substance can also enter our planet. Exactly it is proved that in 1908 it hit the Tunguska taiga in Siberia it is a comet. Comets are very dangerous. Their substance is so loose that it doesn’t fall to the ground, but explodes in the air, so the effect is like from nuclear explosion. What the Tunguska comet brought to earth, no one knows. After all, in order for noticeable mutations to occur, they are required centuries. Comets are not only the source of life on Earth, but also that can ruin her. So, the Gulf of Mexico of a round shape is giant crater from fallen several hundred million years ago comets. As a result, throughout the planet for millennia established the so-called nuclear winter, many species became extinct, including dinosaurs, but more fit mammals rose. Astrologers traditionally believe that comets portend disasters, and this tradition is very old. So the Chaldeans thought a few thousand more years ago. Comet as a carrier of evil – an ordinary character of Russians annals. And the Roman emperor Vespasian allowed himself jokes over comet. When she appeared, it was said that the emperor would die (more often all comets supposedly foreshadow the death of rulers). But Vespasian joked: – The comet prophesies the death of the king of Persia, he is hairy like a comet, and I am bald! But Vespasian in the very deed soon died. Astrologers do not talk about this comet. nothing concrete. At the same time, they believe that the famous Halley’s comet, which appeared in 1986, foreshadowed the collapse of the USSR. Believe this kind of stargazer or not – judge for yourself. Evgeny Arsyukhin

Astrologers Time Life Moon Sun Solar System Telescope

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