A huge asteroid fell on the moon

A huge asteroid fell on the moonPhotos from open sources of

A mysterious video appeared on the World Wide Web, which, according to many web users, it looks too incredible, to be genuine. However, other regulars of the virtual spaces believe that these startling and frightening shots are quite may turn out to be real.

If burnt skeptics are guided by the principle that any material on the web is a potentially skillful fake, then seekers the truths in this world do not stop believing that life is possible, by and large, the most incredible things. One way or another, given the movie really exists and it definitely deserves our attention.

It is reported that the frames below were received a few days ago a resident of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. A man noticed in the daytime a strange ball flying along towards the moon. At first, an eyewitness considered that somewhere in Earth’s atmosphere moves an unidentified flying object.

The Canadian took out a smartphone and began to remove a mysterious anomaly to the camera, as everyone would be surprised and not completely indifferent to miracles, man. But what happened next struck an eyewitness to the core. A bright object crashed directly into a natural satellite of our planet, leaving behind a shock visible from Earth the wave. Our hero realized that this is a giant asteroid, fallen to the moon.

Orthodox scholars who viewed the record, of course they did not trust her. According to experts, the collision of such a huge asteroid with Selena would lead to truly catastrophic consequences, both for the moon itself and for our planet, inextricably linked with its companion.

However, many Internet users who believe in truthfulness of this video, they believe that the moon can endure not such asteroid bombardment. In the end, according to the same luminaries of science, Selena has been subjected to similar attacks many times from space and at the same time, oddly enough, did not crumble into parts. Moreover, independent researchers prove that it doesn’t even really deep cavities remain from such meteor strikes, as if she, in fact, an artificial body, only for averting eyes covered with a not very thick layer of “moon dust”. And then – superhard shell, say, titanium …

Do the rest of the conclusions yourself, but indirect evidence what is said just above is a huge asteroid that fell on The moon and, as always, not causing her any harm …


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