A photo from open sources
Its mass is 157 million tons, and its diameter is five hundred. meters. If he had fallen to Earth, our civilization would have been hard. TO fortunately, this giant cosmic block will fly by January 26 of our planet.
Most interestingly, the approach of this asteroid (space object 2004 BL86) scientists predicted as far back as the 19th century, and now it is finally approaching the Earth at a rather dangerous distance – only about three times as much as before the moon. Judging by space standards – almost there. True, this transit is nothing to the Earth not threatened.
It will be possible to observe a passing space object even with using powerful binoculars. The next major asteroid to be get closer to our planet at the minimum distance will be – 1999 AN10. It will happen in 2027, though this cosmic a block should not bring us disaster.