A man was discovered in a photograph from Mars

A man was discovered in a photograph from Mars

The famous ufologist Scott Waring amazed his supporters with an unexpected find. He managed to make out a shadow near the Curiosity rover, which, in his opinion, belongs to a man in a hooded jacket serving the rover.

Such a find raised a number of questions among observers, of which the possibility of the existence of humans on Mars turned out to be the most unpopular. Most were inclined to the version of the so-called 'conspiracy', according to which the sending of American rovers to the Red Planet was not carried out at all and all these photos are safely created on Earth. This version received special attention from the supporters of the 'lunar conspiracy', who believe that the Americans never landed on the moon.

The alleged filming location is called Devon Island, which is part of the Canadian Artic Archipelago, where the weather, conditions and terrain are very similar to those of Mars. However, no one has yet been able to confirm or deny this information.

Sources: dailymail

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