Tethys is one of the icy moons of Saturn, from this point of view of the NASA Cassini spacecraft vaguely resembles an eyeball looking into outer space. The similarity is given by the presence on the surface of the huge Odysseus crater and a whole complex of its central peaks.
Like any other satellite in the solar system, Tethys (1062 km in diameter) experienced a huge number of impacts from other cosmic bodies. These influences mainly formed the surface of this moon, and the absence of active geological processes on it left the pattern unchanged.
In this case, the catastrophic collision with a large body not only created a crater known as Odysseus, but also formed mountain peaks in the center of the crater known as Scheria Montes.
The image was captured in green spectrum by the Cassini spacecraft, from a distance of 367,000 km. narrow-angle camera on November 10, 2016. The image scale is 2 km per pixel.
Sources: NASA