The pimple that appears on the priest, according to signs and popular beliefs, concerns two aspects: personal life and professional sphere. And to get the correct interpretation, pay attention to which part it is located in.
Pimple on the butt: general interpretation
Some signs speak of a pimple on the pope, as about unpleasant events that will burst into your life. The problem will arise, as if out of nowhere and immediately disrupt plans. But despite this interpretation, if you pull yourself together and make a plan for resolving the current situation, then the troubles will go away over time. In this case, negative consequences will not happen.
If a pimple appears in the upper part of the buttocks, just below the back, beliefs promise good news. Most likely, they will relate to career growth. In this case, expect a promotion.
People say: “The priest feels that he will soon sit in the boss's chair.”
To consolidate a pleasant interpretation, it is recommended to moisten the rash with expensive wine or cognac. They say this 'bait' is very effective – it makes you get used to the expensive and prestigious.
Pimple on the bottom on one side
When a pimple appears on only one side of the pope, wait for good events. Soon a stormy stage will come in life, which will bring a lot of positive emotions. Sometimes the news turns out to be neutral, but in any case without a negative connotation.
- Noticed a pimple on the left of the priest – a sign says that the pleasant events from the past that you have already experienced and do not mind repeating will return. Perhaps it will be some kind of trip, an additional bonus, or a meeting with an old friend.
- A pimple on the bottom on the right, according to the omen, symbolizes future worries. This may concern an upcoming event that is important.
- If it appeared from the side, closer to the thigh area, exciting adventures await.
Signs for girls
For unmarried women, a pimple on the pope is a signal that soon fate will change dramatically. It is highly likely that a beloved man will appear on the girl's life path, the relationship with whom will grow into something more, and he will make a marriage proposal.
Often this man turns out to be an acquaintance to whom the girl had previously ignored and was indifferent.
- If the pimple is small, the man will be young, pleasant to talk to and with a great sense of humor.
- Large – your fate will be an older person, he is serious and successful.
- A pimple on the pope appeared on the left – a sign promises a meeting with a blond.
- On the right side, wait for a date with a dark-haired man.
At the same time, the upcoming changes promise to be invisible. Everything will happen by itself, and the one who was embarrassed for a long time will finally find the strength to make a confession. A sign in this case advises to take a closer look at the surrounding young people and try to identify the betrothed. If you do nothing, you can push away fate.
The sign of a rash on the priest often predicts positive changes and advises not to observe what is happening from the outside, but to try to take direct part in achieving the desired. This way the goal will be achieved much faster.