Astronomers observe explosive jets from a supermassive black hole from the early universe

Astronomers observe explosive jets from a supermassive black hole from the early universe

Bipolar jets are known to emerge from MG J0414 + 0534. By combining four lenticular images of the galaxy and subtracting the gravitational effects of the galaxy in front, the team was able to reconstruct the image of these jets.

When the jets hit the gas in the interstellar medium, the impact creates heat. Using this heat map, the researchers were able to calculate that gas clouds are moving at speeds up to 600 kilometers per second.

'We found compelling evidence of significant interactions between jets and gaseous clouds even in the very early evolutionary phase of jets. I think our discovery will pave the way for a better understanding of the evolutionary process of galaxies in the early universe. '

The study was published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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