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Astronomers in shock: they suddenly discovered that in space asteroids began to disappear without a trace, and very large ones, observations have been conducted for decades.
So, the asteroid codenamed 1995 SN55 has a size of 300 meters, behind such a huge block of space astronomers intently observed since 1995. And a few weeks ago this asteroid simply disappeared, as if evaporated or burned out. Here is what he writes on this About the publication “Russian Dialogue”:
From a scientific point of view, this is a rather strange phenomenon. Before making such a sensational statement, scientists like it says a thousand times checked and double-checked the data, viewed trajectories of hundreds of cosmic bodies, but the asteroid 1995 SN55 never found.
However, this is not an isolated case of the disappearance of asteroids, and large, which astronomers have identified as potentially dangerous to of our planet, and then space objects disappeared somewhere. Behind recent decades, scientists say, evaporated approximately 130 similar asteroids.
In almost all cases, astronomers attributed all this to errors in the calculation of the trajectories of the detected objects, and here Now some researchers are of the opinion that the asteroid 1995 SN55 just wasn’t. However, the current case claims most space scientists are special because the object 1995 SN55 is not only fixed, but also well studied by many astronomers from around the world, and therefore the errors here are simply can not be.
Hence, scientists today made such a conclusion – asteroids, even very huge, for some reason disappear without a trace in space. A for there is no scientific explanation for this except stalling errors in the calculations, no, then the scientists face a serious task – find the cause or causes of the disappearance of asteroids in space …