Astronomers: we are not alone in the universe

Astronomers: we are not alone in the universe

Several specialists in the field of the search for alien life announced that the likelihood that we are not alone in the universe is extremely high.

For centuries, scientists have asked the question whether humanity is lonely in the universe, but still have not found definitive proof. The sheer size of outer space suggests that life necessarily exists elsewhere, but all methods of detecting it have so far failed.

However, experts at Breakthrough Listen, an organization that scans the stars in hopes of finding alien signals, believe extraterrestrial life exists. For example, this was confirmed by Lee Spitler, an astronomer at Macquarie University in the program 'Trust me, I'm an expert'.

Danny Price, a scientist at Breakthrough Listen, is also confident that they will 'find something', but admitted that it may take a while. Here's what reported:

'There is a small chance that we will find something – I think this is a long term human mission. This is what we need to keep doing. '

There are several scientific equations that determine the likelihood that we are not alone in the universe, such as the Drake equation. In 1961, scientist Frank Drake came up with an equation describing the variables and chances of an alien civilization in the universe, taking into account factors such as the rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of life on the surrounding planets and the number of planets per solar system.

While there is no single solution to the equation yet, it indicates that there is an impressive chance of finding life in space. One possible solution to the equation is that alien life once existed but became extinct even before life on Earth appeared. Another solution is that the Earth is the only place where life could develop in the universe.

There is another way to look at the problem of finding aliens – this is the Fermi paradox. In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi (creator of the world's first nuclear reactor). The scientist has come up with a paradox that suggests that due to the age and size of the universe, civilization will inevitably be much more advanced, and questions the question 'Are we alone?'

Many scholars argue that the solution is that when a civilization reaches a certain size, it ends up killing itself either by war with the latest weapons or natural disaster. Some experts, however, have previously cautioned against attempting to contact any sapient species.

Even Stephen Hawking, who died in March 2018, suggested that contact with aliens could be risky. An example in his latest book described how Europeans faced Native Americans and nearly wiped them out completely in order to conquer the New World.

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