Australia Tests COVID-19 Tuberculosis Vaccine

Australia Tests COVID-19 Tuberculosis Vaccine

Australian researchers are conducting large-scale human testing to see if a vaccine used for decades to prevent tuberculosis can protect healthcare workers from the coronavirus.

According to researchers at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne, a trial of the BCG vaccine will be conducted with 4,000 healthcare workers in hospitals across Australia to determine if it is effective against COVID-19.

“Although BCG was originally developed against tuberculosis, it also boosts 'advanced' human immunity by training them to respond to germs with greater intensity,” the statement said.

“We hope to see a decrease in the prevalence and severity of COVID-19 symptoms in healthcare workers receiving BCG vaccinations,” said lead researcher Nigel Curtis.

He said 4,000 subjects will be included in the study within a few weeks as part of an accelerated process with approval from state and federal health authorities. “The clock is ticking,” he said.

Similar tests are underway in several other countries, including the Netherlands, Germany and the UK.

“This trial will properly test the effectiveness of the vaccine against COVID-19 symptoms and could help save the lives of our healthcare workers,” said Catherine North, director of the Murdoch Institute.

She said the hope is that improving people's 'innate' immunity against the corogavirus COVID-19 will buy time to develop a specific vaccine against the disease.

Sources: Agence France-Presse

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