Boy or girl: determine the gender of the child according to folk signs

Signs that help to find out the sex of the child in the mother's womb originate from Ancient Russia. Through fortune-telling, notes and observations, the ancestors learned to predict in advance the birth of a boy or girl. Signs during pregnancy are symbolic, and their accuracy has been tested by time.

Determining the gender of the child: boy or girl

Today, thanks to ultrasound, the gender of the future baby is determined from the 12th week of conception. And how to find out the sex of a child without this manipulation, using signs as the main source of information?

Folk omen of determining the sex of the baby by the belly

There is a popular sign of the visual determination of the sex of the child during pregnancy by the shape of the abdomen. A belly protruding forward with an acute middle means the future birth of a boy, and an oval or oblong shape of the tummy predicts the birth of a girl. When observing, the features of this sign were also noticed.

If a woman's belly is not visible from the back, a boy will be born, the figure of pregnant girls is usually rounded at the sides.

Mother's taste preferences – boy or girl?

The taste preferences of a pregnant woman also belong to the old Russian omens. Gastronomic signs of pregnancy with a boy are spicy, fried food, fatty meat, pickled cucumbers, sausage. Since the future man needs heavy food in the womb, the pregnant woman is constantly hungry.

A wild appetite, a strong desire to eat a piece of meat and drinking a lot of water – this behavior is not uncommon for the mother of a born man. But women pregnant with girls are distinguished by an enviable love for flour, confectionery and fruits.

The process of eating pregnant bread also refers to the origins of old signs. If a woman loves a crust from bread – to be a hero, and a preference for crumbs means the imminent appearance of a princess.

determining the sex of the child

Changes in the appearance of a woman in labor – how to determine the sex of the baby

Waiting for a baby marks the flowering of female beauty. A mother who is pregnant with her son looks prettier, her skin becomes clean and smooth, and her hair becomes silky and shiny.

As for the daughter, here, as they say among the people, “the daughter takes mother’s beauty” – the face of the pregnant woman turns pale, becomes covered with age spots and pimples. The hair of the expectant mother grows dull and splits badly.

It is the outward signs of female withering or flowering that help relatives to determine the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy.

Determine the sex of the child by the mood and well-being of the woman in labor

Compared to the mothers of future heroes, women who are pregnant with their daughter are characterized by an irritable disposition due to their excessive impressionability. However, future men are also troublesome – during pregnancy, their mothers often suffer from headaches. Increased sweating of a pregnant woman portends an heir, and cold feet – to an heiress.

Mothers who gave birth to daughters claim that during pregnancy they felt severe toxicosis during the first trimester.

A sure sign of determining the sex of an unborn child is a reaction to smells. Women pregnant with a daughter do not perceive sweet aromas well, while future mothers of boys feel great in this environment.

Determine the sex of the child by the mood and well-being of the woman in labor

How to understand who is born by the prenatal behavior of the baby

A fairly popular omen for defining a boy or girl is fetal activity. In fact, it has been established that sons are more active in the womb than daughters. Future men usually push their mother from the inside into the urinary tract area, and daughters choose more secluded places – the kidneys and liver.

By the movement of the fetus in the abdomen, you can also determine the sex of the child: sons move almost constantly, while daughters prefer more calm and measured pushing in the morning and evening.

Find out the gender of the child by marriage

Relationships between spouses also matter in ancient Russian signs.

  • It is believed that if a husband loves more than his wife, a male baby will be born, and if a woman is more supportive of her husband, a female child will appear.
  • The sexual activity of the spouses also determines the gender of the heir. Whoever fulfills marital duties more passionately – relatives of the same sex were expecting a baby.
  • Poses of lovemaking predetermine the conception of an heir of a certain sex. If a woman lies with her head to the north, she should become pregnant with a son, to the south – with a daughter.

What does a woman dream about during a demolition?

Dreams in the life of a pregnant woman play an important role. Since a woman becomes impressionable during pregnancy, dreams determine her internal state. In the old days, the relatives of a pregnant woman noticed that if a child of a certain sex often dreams, expect a representative of the opposite sex. That is, if a future mother dreamed of a boy, she is usually pregnant with a girl.

What does a woman dream about during demolitions?

Guessing on the sex of the child using a pendulum

According to the signs, you can predict the gender of the baby using a pendulum. Take a regular thread and thread the wedding ring through it. While holding the pendulum over your stomach, carefully monitor its movements. Circular fluctuations mean the imminent appearance of a son. Chaotic movements mean the future birth of a daughter.

Other predictions of the baby's gender

There are other signs of pregnancy using foreign objects. Let's consider the most popular ones.

  1. Sign about burdock. A plant bush plucked with a stem portends the birth of a son, and a bunch of burdock leaves without a rhizome – a daughter.
  2. We take the key. They took the key by the long end – to the son, for the part inserted into the lock – to the daughter.
  3. Sign about numbers. Say a number from 1 to 33 spontaneously. Each digit represents a corresponding letter of the alphabet. Then say the name with that letter. If the name is feminine, expect a girl.

Signs for pregnant women are information for those who want to quickly determine the gender of the baby before an ultrasound examination. The experience of our ancestors shows how true these methods are. Preservation of signs about determining the sex of a baby during pregnancy proves once again that the ancient ancestors were not mistaken in their knowledge and skillfully predicted the gender difference of babies in the womb.

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