Cut finger: what the signs promise

Hands are considered to be a kind of misiantenna that provides a connection between a person and the Universe. The sign associated with a cut on a finger determines the further behavior and fate of their owner. It is important to learn to interpret the correct superstition according to the depth of the wound and the phalanx's belonging to the left or right hand.

Cut finger

For example, if you cut a finger on your right hand, a sign means an early quarrel with a man. Understand the cut of any of the fingers on the left hand as a harbinger of a scandal with a woman.

Damage with a knife or scissors

The sign of cutting a finger is associated not only with the place, which phalanx of the hand suffered. Some of the superstitions also concern the object with which the damage was committed.

If a small scratch on the phalanx of the right hand was made with a knife or scissors, the interpretation of the sign is as follows:

  • Big – you will have to sacrifice your own interests in order to solve the problems of relatives.
  • Indicative – quarrels with the authorities are possible. Be frugal, you may be downgraded due to office disagreements.
  • Medium – Beware of evil gossip and do not tell anyone about your luck.
  • Nameless – behave correctly in relation to colleagues, minor clashes at work due to personal hostility are not excluded.
  • Little finger – stop being jealous of someone else's happiness, take care of yours.

Damage with a knife or scissors

A knife or scissor scratch on your left finger means:

  • Big – take seriously the business you have started, know how to be responsible for your actions.
  • Indicative – be careful with statements. In an approximate circle of acquaintances there is a person who wants to substitute at work.
  • Medium – a break in relations with a loved one is possible, a harbinger of a major quarrel, so try to be less harsh.
  • Nameless – check the papers again, it is possible that a colleague is trying to set you up.
  • Little finger – there is an ill-wisher in a close environment who spreads bad rumors.

Prick with a needle, pin or rose thorn

Poking your finger is a good omen, especially for those who are unpaired.

  1. A finger prick of an unmarried girl foreshadows the imminent appearance of her betrothed.
  2. A sign, if a married woman pricked her finger, means that her beloved is thinking about her.
  3. To prick a thumb – a sign predicts a solution to major troubles and help to a person in need.
  4. Pierce the middle finger – protect yourself from the surrounding bad energy, try not to get involved in quarrels and conflicts.
  5. An injection of the index phalanx means a fateful warning of financial loss.
  6. If a ring finger has suffered from the injection – a clear sign of envy from the outside, try to brag about your successes as little as possible.
  7. Prick the little finger – stop spreading envious gossip.

Prick with a needle, pin or rose thorn

A sign, if the bride pricks her finger on the eve of the wedding, portends the collapse of the new family. An accidental pinprick means a loss of connection with a loved one or friend.

The prick of a rose with a thorn marks a deep disappointment in the person who gave the flower.

Interpretation on every finger

The sign of 'cutting your finger' is interpreted as a fateful harbinger of an impending event or a subconscious signal to a certain problem that requires a quick response.


A stream of energy goes through the big finger, allowing you to feel yourself as a person realized in life. The sign 'cut your thumb on your left hand' portends the need of loved ones for your attention. Help a loved one in solving his problems, even if it is contrary to your own interests.

If you accidentally cut your right thumb, a sign means the presence of a financial threat. Be sensible and try to save on costs. Also, the possibility of theft is not excluded, so keep your money in a safe place.

Interpretation on every finger


The index phalanx of the hand is responsible for a person's ability to overcome crisis moments. The sign, when the index finger of the left hand is cut, marks the upcoming conflict with an influential person or government authorities. Activate your cunning and flexibility, do not be too violent and harsh. When showing friendliness, do not deviate from your principled positions.

As a rule, if the index finger of the right hand is cut, expect a conflict in the family circle. The same skills will be needed here – show kindness and compassion, surround them with warmth and care, carefully control emotional behavior.


The middle phalanx is responsible for the emotional state of a person. The sign 'cut the middle finger on the left hand' means a loss of confidence in a close friend. Pay attention to your friends, perhaps someone is unhappy with your relationship and wants to break the friendship.

If the middle finger on the right hand is cut, this is a betrayal or treason. Take a close look at those around you, perhaps such a sharp turn of events can be avoided by just talking.

Middle phalanx of omens


The unnamed finger is responsible for the social position of a person in society. The omen says that if you cut the nameless on the right hand, the position among colleagues will be shaken. Be careful, ill-wishers are eager to take advantage of your oversight in order to threaten your career and tarnish your reputation.

If the finger on the left hand is injured, envious people try to influence close friends and family. This trouble can be overcome only with the help of sincere care and attention.

Little finger

The little finger is responsible for material well-being. A wound on the right hand – expect unplanned expenses. Cutting the little finger on your left hand means that you are not comfortable or dissatisfied. In everyday life, this can be a breakdown of equipment, in a career – a lack of encouragement, which was highly hoped for. There are signs that push the itching of the little finger. They were told about them here – http: // Little finger omens

Injure two or more fingers at once

To interpret the correct omen when two or more phalanges are damaged, you need to pay attention to the one that is cut more severely. For example, if you cut your finger and accidentally hit others, the prediction is interpreted according to the phalanx where there is a strong cut.

Interpretation for lovers

The harbinger of good news is the time when any of the phalanxes are cut. For example, if an unmarried girl or an unmarried guy injures her fingers on New Year's Eve, a sign portends the appearance of a loved one in her or his life.

The depth of the wound is used to judge the thoughts of the beloved. If a girl cuts her finger, it is believed that the more painful and deeper the wound, the more the lover thinks about his bride.

Interpretation for lovers

Cut your hand

For a young and unmarried girl, a cut in her palm means good news about her loved one.

A cut in the palm of the left hand predicts health problems of a loved one. Try to be attentive to loved ones and provide them with a comfortable environment. If the palm on the right hand is damaged, a conflict with an older and close man is not excluded. Show patience and endurance.

You should not be afraid of unkind signs. Every superstition has an antidote – it is believed that the omen associated with a cut finger on the hand loses its effect if a silver ring is put on the damaged finger. Silver cleans the blood and thoughts of excess negativity. A deep wound can simply be rinsed with holy water.

Think less about the bad, signs are just hints. If you use the fateful signs correctly, trouble can be avoided.

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