Not so long ago, information was published that a new asteroid was discovered by specialists, which was given the code name RQ1. And just yesterday, astronomers reported that this celestial body would approach our planet at a critically close distance.
The speed of this asteroid will be more than three kilometers per second, and it will pass at a distance of four distances to the Moon. Thus, the body will fly close to our planet at an approximate distance of one million five hundred forty thousand kilometers.
Recall that this celestial body was discovered only at the beginning of September. According to scientists, the asteroid is about eighty meters in diameter, and its semi-major axis is equal to 0.87 astronomical units. As for the period of revolution around the Sun, it is three hundred days.
Tonight the asteroid has already passed the phase of closest approach to our satellite. The minimum distance to our planet will be covered already at 11 pm. According to preliminary estimates of scientists, next time the asteroid will pass so close only in four years.