Dangerous asteroids fly to Earth

Dangerous asteroids fly to EarthPhotos from open sources of

There are three of them – from those space objects that fly near the Earth in the current month, however, two of them – most dangerous to us.

Both asteroids belong to the Apollo class, since their orbits cross the earth from the outside – as described these potentially dangerous space wanderers UrFU employees (Ural Federal University). Then they added:

These are relatively large space objects, each of They have a diameter of about 1600-1700 meters. First of these two “Apollos” – 2001 QL142 (310560) should pass by the Earth 14 September at a distance of 8.7 million kilometers, its speed the span will be more than 77 thousand kilometers per hour. And the second Apollo – 1990 UQ (5189) is expected on September 26. Its speed is more than 50 thousand kilometers per hour, and the distance to our planet is just over 9 million kilometers.

It seems not very dangerous asteroids, at least from the point of view view of the average man – what a huge distance to the Earth! However, by space standards – this is not so much, especially since it costs such a space object for some reason, slightly deviate, and he may well be heading straight for our planet.

And finally, the third astroid 1989VB September 29 will pass near the Earth only 3 million kilometers, true compared to the Apollo it is quite small – only 680 meters in diameter.

By the way, the asteroids that we are warned about periodically astronomers are not as harmless as they seem to us, rather the opposite. Watch a documentary about this. And we just remind you that NASA’s American space agency believes Earth today threatens something more dangerous than even the worst space the object is the Yellowstone supervolcano, which prevent the explosion US scientists are trying their best, but so far unsuccessfully …

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