In the recent past, Pluto was considered a distant, cold and lifeless world. However, upon closer examination of the dwarf planet and analysis of the data from the New Horizons mission, it turned out that this world is fraught with many previously unknown surprises.
The data after the New Horizons spacecraft flyby was finally delivered to Earth only in October 2016, but their inventory, analysis and modeling will continue for several more years. However, studies already done so far indicate the presence of complex chemistry on Pluto and even some forms of biological processes below the surface.
Complex layers of organic haze, ice mountains that rose as a result of some unknown geological process, possible organic matter on the surface and an ocean of liquid water – this is what is known about this world today and these characteristics indicate that everything is much more cheerful than it was thought earlier.
'The connection with astrobiology is unambiguous. We see organic materials, water and energy, 'said Michael Summers, a planetary scientist on the New Horizons team who specializes in the structure and evolution of planetary atmospheres. “Organics, raw materials and energy are the things that are necessary for the existence of life.”
Summers also emphasized that it is quite possible that the dwarf planet could have an underground ocean similar to the ocean of Titan, Enceladus and Europa. However, these satellites have a source of tidal energy in the form of their huge planets, while Pluto is devoid of such influence. This suggests that Pluto may well support the liquid ocean below the surface using its own gravitational forces.