Dreams that are dreamed of marriage do not always show a picture of a real wedding. For the most part, visions predicting an imminent marriage in reality are in the form of symbols that, at first glance, have nothing to do with this event. Prophetic dreams typically occur on the night of Monday to Tuesday, Thursday to Friday, during the summer and winter solstice.
What dreams do you have before marriage?
It is noteworthy that the dreams that will be discussed below can have several interpretations. At the same time, there are practically no universal ones among them, which can be considered as an accurate sign of an approaching wedding. However, with a certain plot, the following pictures in night dreams are considered in the context of an imminent marriage.
Prophetic dreams are usually dreamed on the night from Monday to Tuesday, from Thursday to Friday, during the summer and winter solstice. Among the holidays: from Christmas to Epiphany and Christmastide.
Wild and domestic animals
A bear becomes a harbinger of an early legal marriage. This is the most striking symbol that promises the dreamer the creation of a strong, friendly family. At the same time, it is better that in a dream the bear is exactly white – it personifies a worthy man with whom the dreamer will connect her life. However, the marriage proposal will have to wait for some time.
Running away from the owner of the forest, hiding from him is a sign of an imminent wedding. However, if the bear in the dream was furious, then this may indicate that the marriage will be forced, and family relations will be strained. The beast did not scare you – life together promises to be smooth and calm.
Wolves make a similar prediction. We saw one animal in a dream – to meet your betrothed, a whole flock – soon you will be preparing for the long-awaited wedding ceremony.
Dream books also distinguish among the forerunners of the wedding:
- a red-colored dog;
- a pig with piglets;
- a cow with calves;
- white horse;
- rabbits with offspring;
- family of lions;
- snake;
- dolphins;
- kittens.
Some interpreters of dreams are inclined to believe that the fish is also capable of promising marriage. She promises replenishment of the family, and here one can reason as follows: for married ladies she dreams of the birth of a child, for girls who are not related to a meeting with a new family member, that is, with a future husband.
- A pair of pigeons is one of the few symbols with a single meaning. The dream speaks of marriage, and regardless of the storyline.
- Dreamed of storks – the marriage will be successful.
- If in night dreams you saw swans, the dream promises loyalty and sincerity on the part of the future husband.
The birds' nest is also a good sign. The dream says that soon you will meet a person with whom you can start a family and give him children.
Fruits and vegetables
Changes in your personal life promise dreams in which you saw a lot of delicious vegetables and fruits. The main predictors in this case are:
- ripe strawberries – if the dreamer decided to try ripe berries in a dream, then this means an early marriage;
- red, ripe tomatoes promise a wealthy groom, unripe fruits indicate that the girl will refuse the offer or will ponder her answer for a very long time;
- carrots become a harbinger of a wedding and replenishment in the family only for young women, for older women a dream promises unexpected profits;
- cabbage promises the dreamer not only a long-awaited marriage, but also a large friendly family;
- grapes symbolize a strong union, a long life together, full of love and mutual understanding;
- garlic becomes a sign that the dreamer is going to get married of convenience;
- exotic fruits that you cut in half in a dream indicates an unhappy marriage;
- apricots and peaches indicate that the relationship of the future spouse to his wife will be tender and reverent.
Fruit poisoning is a bad sign. The dream speaks of the insincerity of the partner, who will soon change his mind about registering the relationship.
Flowers and trees
Before marriage, a green garden or a picturesque park is often dreamed of. But it is very important to pay attention to the general atmosphere of the dream. If there is a feeling of calmness, tranquility, there is a couple of lovers who are walking between the trees, then the dream promises a quick wedding and family happiness.
But if a man and a woman in a dream pick apples or plums from trees and taste them, then this is a bad sign – the relationship in this case promises to be short-term. In addition, if partners suddenly break their hugs and disperse, then this is a warning about extramarital affairs.
Before marriage, a green garden or a picturesque park is often dreamed of.
A clear sign of imminent marriage is a dream in which you saw a burning plant – nettle. Moreover, if the dreamer makes her way through dense thickets, then this means that she will choose between several applicants.
A dream in which one happened to be burned by grass indicates that it will not be easy to make the final choice. Taking care of nettles – getting married out of selfish motives.
White flowers speak of a wedding and a special atmosphere in the family: in the first place will be spiritual values, unity between partners. Exotic representatives of the flora hint to the dreamer that the future husband will have a non-standard mindset. If in a dream you saw the most ordinary wildflowers, then this means that you will have to marry a simple, but at the same time devoted and very reliable person.
A man saw a bouquet in a dream – the dream speaks of his readiness to formalize his relationship with his chosen one.
Many dream interpreters associate oak with the creation of a strong family. And the higher the tree, the happier the married life promises to be. But if you dream of a dried oak tree, then this indicates that the spouses will not live together for long. Seeing someone cutting down or chopping down a tree trunk – the husband will have another woman, which will ruin the marriage.
Another pre-wedding vision is a pair of shoes. But there are also some nuances here.
- A high sole or heel indicates that a man will be tall.
- Shoes didn't fit – life together promises to be difficult.
- I dreamed of only one shoe – to a short-term marriage, widowhood.
- In one pair, there are two different copies – quarrels and scandals due to the different characters of the partners.
- Comfortable, beautiful couple that fit in – for a happy marriage.
Absolutely any footwear becomes a harbinger of the wedding: summer, winter, demi-season. In a dream, you can try on, buy, and even accidentally find it on the road. However, there should be no extremes in the storyline. For example, if you rip your boots or shoes, then this may indicate a break in the current relationship, an imminent divorce.
Not all jewelry can become a symbol of a happy marriage. What will the dream books tell?
- Gold rings, earrings and other jewelry made of this noble metal indicate a difficult family life. The future spouse will have such character traits as greed and vanity, which will negatively affect the atmosphere in the family.
- Seeing jewelry with diamonds – to financial independence from the future husband. And this does not mean at all that he will not provide for his family. Perhaps the dreamer will move up the career ladder, which will allow her to make a significant contribution to the family budget.
- In a dream, you are presented with jewelry – the young man you marry will be wealthy. And the more gifts you receive in a dream, the wealthier the groom will be.
- Two rings are a symbol of marriage. If they lie in a box or flaunt on the fingers of lovers, preparations for the celebration can already begin, since the wedding is just around the corner. They are simply hanging in the air – the dreamer will surely hear the marriage proposal, but not soon.
- The man presented the ring, but it did not fit in size – the girl will be forced to reject the offer for reasons that do not depend on her.
- In a dream, you stole a piece of jewelry or took it away from someone – the woman is destined for the role of a lovemaker. It is possible to marry a man who will leave his family for you.
- Necklace, chain, bracelet – these items speak of restrictions, dependence on the future spouse.
- I dreamed of a pectoral cross or a cross-shaped decoration – to the conclusion of a marriage, which will turn out to be unhappy.
Household items, household chores
Dreams in which one has to see a house, interior items, household items, as well as changes in the environment, can also tell about an imminent marriage. You just need to remember what exactly attracted your attention.
- A successful marriage promises a dream in which a girl receives keys from a man. It is especially good if they were gold – in this case, the groom will be rich and will be able to provide for the family. But at the same time, a marriage of convenience is not excluded.
- If you bought a carpet – get ready to try on the role of a wife. Dream interpretation promises well-being and prosperity.
- If you noticed a broken clock, this leads to problems in the intimate life of future spouses.
- Beautiful renovation in the kitchen promises a warm atmosphere, a cozy family and a prosperous life together.
- A new love, a meeting with her betrothed and a marriage proposal are promised by a dream in which the dreamer had a chance to glue wallpaper.
- They saw that there is a new door in your house – get ready for a fateful meeting and subsequent marriage. For girls who are currently in a relationship, the same dream promises a quick wedding.
- Rearranging furniture in an apartment means living together with a young man. However, in this case, the dream books indicate not an official marriage, but a civil marriage.
- Parents dreamed that their daughter was doing a general cleaning, sorting or taking out her things – soon she would leave their house and move to her own, where she would build a new family.
Wedding and pre-wedding chores
Sometimes, before the wedding, girls dream about the wedding ceremony itself or the chores that precede it.
- Seeing preparations for your own wedding – for an imminent marriage in real life. If at the same time the dreamer tried on a veil, then this is a clear sign that the marriage will be happy. But if you put on a wedding dress along with the veil, then this is a bad sign. Dream Interpretations predict events due to which the ceremony will need to be postponed.
- The wedding of acquaintances, relatives, strangers can also dream about marriage. However, dream books say that the union will not be strong, and the spouses will soon part.
- Hearing a marriage proposal in a dream means a new acquaintance. Relationships promise to be romantic and will surely grow into something more – you will definitely create a strong, friendly and happy family.
- The prediction of an imminent wedding becomes a dream in which you were lucky enough to catch the bride's bouquet.
For marriage, there is also a dream in which the dreamer tied a belt (but not gold) or decorated her wedding dress with ribbons (but not black!).
Seeing preparations for your own wedding – for an imminent marriage in real life
Unusual dreams
The following dreams are also associated with dream books with the imminent entry into a legal marriage.
- Preparing a fluffy dough. If a girl in a dream kneads, tastes, bakes dough, or just sees it, then this indicates that she will soon hear a long-awaited offer from her lover.
- Newborn in her arms. Lulling a cute baby, sang a song to him, hugged him to his chest – you can hope to meet a man with whom you will soon connect your destiny.
- The Orthodox Church dreams of the wedding, however, according to dream books, it will not happen as soon as we would like. A similar interpretation has a dream in which you happened to cry in the temple.
- A gypsy woman who was wondering to you dreamed – a dream promises a quick marriage. But here the interpreters insist that there is no need to rush too much, otherwise marriage will not bring happiness – the chosen one is unreliable. If the dreamer herself appeared in the form of a gypsy in a dream, the spouses will live in love and understanding.
- Seeing a colorful sunrise on a picturesque seaside is a sign of a luxurious wedding, where the bride will appear in a chic wedding dress.
- If you saw how a building is being built, then such a dream also hints at the creation of your own family. The main thing is that the foundation of this building is strong and durable – this indicates the reliability of the future spouse.
- You can expect a marriage proposal after a dream, in which the subconscious mind revealed to you a beautiful island, washed by crystal waters. Family relationships and feelings promise to be as pure as the water in the ocean. And if you, together with your beloved, also studied him, passed over a bridge or overcame stormy streams, this is a sure sign of an imminent wedding.
- Some dream books associate a dream of a funeral and related attributes with marriage. But this interpretation will be appropriate only in one case: if one of her relatives saw such a dream with the participation of an unmarried girl.
- Sometimes the bonds of marriage are encrypted in dreams quite strongly. This is evidenced by dreams in which the dreamer is bound, chained, in a word, her movements are very constrained and she has no way to get out. And here emotions are of great importance: the feelings experienced in the vision will be reflected in the married life.
Considering the symbols of an imminent marriage, remember that a dream can be true only if the subconscious mind shows them to us unexpectedly, without the influence of events from reality.