Dreamed of a gorilla – interpretation of sleep for women and men

If you dreamed about a gorilla, the interpretation of sleep depends on many details. Starting from the floor of the dreamer and ending with the details of a night dream.

What is the dream of a gorilla

Interpretation of different dream books

According to the interpretation of the dream book, the gorilla personifies strength and natural power. This is not the only interpretation.

  1. Miller says that if you happen to see a gorilla, it's a health problem. This is important for anyone previously diagnosed with chronic illness. Therefore, do not delay a visit to a doctor and treatment.
  2. According to Meneghetti's interpretation, the interpretation of sleep takes into account the sex of the dreamer. If a gorilla dreams of a woman, this is her subconscious desire to see a wild and primordial male in the chosen one. For men, such a dream promises dissatisfaction with their own masculine powers, somewhat less often – in his upbringing of life, the mother, who lured the father, has a huge influence.
  3. According to the interpretation of the Newest Dream Book, a vision predicts a meeting with an unpleasant and evil person. It is worth showing maximum caution and attention in a relationship, and keeping communication with him to a minimum.
  4. According to the interpretation of the Spring Dream Book, a mean and envious person appeared surrounded by the dreamer himself, actively pretending to be a friend. You shouldn't trust him.

The dream book claims that a gorilla in a dream is rather a reflection and personification of a person, his strengths and weaknesses of character.

Depending on gender

If you dreamed about a gorilla – in the interpretation of the vision, the sex of the dreamer is also taken into account.

  • The girl is promised a meeting with an old acquaintance, and as an option, a simple date will grow into something more. This plot suggests that this person is next to you, maybe you yourself do not notice him – take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • For a mature lady, a gorilla in night vision is a symbol of a man who is next to her. She is impressed by his sexuality, although she is repulsed by the rudeness and primitiveness of the primate.
  • For a woman in a position, sleep acts as a warning – there may be health problems, the course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is so important to eat well and rest more, not to be nervous. Even when preparing to become a mother, a girl should not forget that she is not alone now.
  • The gorilla in a man's dream is a reflection of his ardor and activity in the love field. But if an animal in a dream showed aggression towards a man, he is too persistent in relation to the chosen one, annoys her with his attention. It is important to respect the limits of personal space.

What a big gorilla dreamed of – it can be either a sign warning of danger, or express the emotions and experiences of the dreamer himself, regardless of gender.

What did the gorilla do in a dream and what it was

First of all, for the correct interpretation of the dream, one must remember what the primate's behavior was. These plot details will help you find answers to many questions.

  • An animal running away from you is a symbol of a hypocrite who enters into his close environment, secretly builds dirty tricks and intrigues. If you look closely at your own environment, you can easily calculate it.
  • If an aggressive gorilla attacks a dreamer in a dream, a quarrel will occur between him and those close to him, a conflict that will drag on for many years. This is due to gossip and rumors spread by ill-wishers.
  • If a primate steals things and objects from you in a dream, this is an unexpected and unforeseen waste, mostly tangential vehicles.
  • A great primate sits in a cage – this is a pointer to a dead end in human personal development and he himself is to blame for this. If you do not develop as a person, this will lead to personality degradation.
  • Seeing her in the jungle forests, natural habitat – such a vision symbolizes adventure. You will soon go beyond the usual, plunge headlong into the abyss of adventure.
  • Rest and entertainment – this is what a gorilla jumping from branch to branch dreams of. And the dreamer himself is full of strength and energy.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric You see a primate in a forest or field, a city, it is unnatural for him to live in – monotony and boredom give the dreamer a lot of trouble.

If you saw a big primate in a dream, remember what it looked like. If the gorilla was aggressive and wild, pounced on you – this is aggression and attacks from his own environment, relatives. But in order to avoid misunderstandings and scandals, you should not go for such provocations.

  1. A cub is a display of self-doubt, dependence on someone else's opinion. Therefore, you should rely on your own conclusions and conclusions, not live with someone else's mind. Even someone else's experience on their own skin can bring trouble.
  2. A big primate is dreaming – this is a pointer to good health, but provided that you follow it, eat right, and have no bad habits.
  3. If the primate is tame and peaceful, the dreamer himself has a lot of power over his environment. And not only because of social status or domination at work, thanks to a high position – his charisma and inner world conquer. Although sometimes he can be overcome by melancholy and melancholy for the past, easy and cheerful days. If the dreamer has children, a vision indicates a possible separation from them.
  4. If you see a gorilla with a cub in a dream, the dreamer is too gullible, and his ill-wishers, scammers can take advantage of this.

You see a flock of gorillas – such a dream indicates a misunderstanding in the family, and the reason for this is gossip and gossip on the side. Although this plot often reflects the dissatisfaction of the dreamer himself with his own situation. The primate collects fruits from the tree – you will make peace with a friend with whom you were previously in a quarrel.

I had a chance to see a gorilla in a dream – it is also important to remember what actions the dreamer himself performed.

  • To feed her from your own hands – what can carry such a vision to a dreamer? To the betrayal of close people and relatives, friends from whom he did not expect this. Maximum care and attention to words and deeds.
  • A fun game with a primate is empty and unrealizable expectations, and often the dreamer himself is to blame for them. Therefore, it is worth either changing the place of work or your own field of activity – this is the only way to achieve success.
  • Chasing the primate away from you is a sign indicating the dreamer's health. If she immediately leaves, does not cause you any problems – the disease will recede, but is not afraid, remains close – the ailment will have to be treated for a long time and persistently.
  • To run away from the overtaking primate in a dream – someone from the dreamer's environment creates a lot of inconveniences and obstacles for him. It is he who does not allow him to reach the pinnacle of success – such a person can be anyone, from parents to colleagues at work.

To kill a primate in a dream – the dreamer will have a chance to defeat enemies, overcome obstacles. The main thing is to recognize it in a timely manner and use it for your own good – this will protect you from many troubles.

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