A meeting in nature with a wild boar for a person can end in tears. But in the world of dreams, such an event is interpreted in different ways.
Miller's dream book
According to Miller's dream book, attention should be paid to the appearance of the beast. A plump specimen promises an improvement in the financial situation, an emaciated one – a deterioration. And if a thick and thin are standing next to each other, then grief lies ahead.
Dream interpretation of Wangi
A wild boar dreams of the appearance of a protector, which the dreamer will be very happy about. After all, a new acquaintance will help solve difficult problems. Stroking a ferocious beast is a warning about future trials. Kill him – the series of failures will soon end.
Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov
If the animal attacks, then the intrigues of an insidious foe lie in wait. They will express themselves in gossip that will ruin a person's reputation.
Finding a wild pig approaching from behind indicates that the slanderers are in close circle.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer
The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation claims that seeing a boar in a dream will dramatically change the sleeping man's life, a dizzying passion will burst into it. If this is a huge boar, then the attraction of the body will turn into love. If it is small, the obsession will soon end, leaving pleasant memories.
Aesop's dream book
The vision that a ferocious beast is attacking is a warning about meeting with an oppressive relative. Its result will be a change in plans. One striker indicates that this will be a welcome change. And a few – the dreamer's life will go downhill.
Ukrainian dream book
Catching a wild animal is a good sign that there is a joyful event ahead that will bring the fulfillment of desires. The boar knocked the man to the ground, which means that the danger has come from an insidious acquaintance.
The frozen boar meat seen symbolizes the fight against temptation. Skinned carcass – it will take strength to overcome temptations.
Russian dream book
According to the Russian dream book, it is believed that a wild animal personifies an evil person with a fierce character. A dream predicts a run-in with him. The Black Boar promises further trouble. And a bright copy – after troubles, good news will follow.
Gypsy dream book
The appearance of a boar in a dream notifies of the betrayal of business partners. A lonely female promises minor financial problems. If several cubs dream, they will fall into debt.
Noble dream book by Grishina
An old noble dream book indicates that a wild beast reminds of the upcoming chores, which will be in vain. A boar with a boar predicts family affairs. And adults with offspring are problems with the younger generation.
Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov
Feeding wild pigs with acorns means that the authorities will pay attention to the sleeper's hard work. He will move up the career ladder. Throwing hay to the animals – the wealth that man so desired will soon appear.
Chinese dream book
A dream about the transformation of a boar into a man, or vice versa, warns that there is a person around him who hates the dreamer and wants to take revenge on him. A werewolf woman is a public affair associated with the actions of officials. It will not bring positive results.
Muslim dream book
Chasing small wild animals is not worth making rash decisions. To catch the beast – luck itself goes into hands. Drive the hog out of the barn – one of the relatives will get sick.
Dream interpretation Feng Shui
Feng Shui claims that attacking the boar himself indicates that the dreamer treats his colleague badly. This will lead to trouble at work. A herd running in the distance – soon a baby will appear in a close environment.
Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric A ferocious beast that rushes at a sleeping person portends a deterioration in relations with a soul mate. Fighting individuals – a deterioration in the material situation.
Modern dream book
Fat, full-grown wild boars are the harbingers of business revival. Selling adult wild pigs on the market is a sign that the dreamer will become a major owner. The cub trade is hard work ahead.
Rommel's dream book
You may dream that wild boars are standing nearby. When they are on the right, you should expect business success, on the left – get rich soon. If you are surrounded by a sleeping person, a fierce and angry person will appear next to you. Beasts scream – bad news ahead.
Sitting on an adult – you can't avoid meeting someone you don't want to see. Killing an animal is considered a warning that one should think first and then act.
Astrological dream book
Astrologers are convinced that the dream that a boar is chasing a man portends a mortal danger. The dreamer in real life needs to be very careful.
American dream book
A fat boar lying on the ground means a rich harvest. A dying person is a sign that the sleeping person believes that everything is permissible for him, but this is not so. Don't be selfish. A wild animal of enormous growth – soon the person will be given debts.
Dream interpretation of sexual dreams
According to the dream book of sexual dreams, an embittered boar testifies to the sleeper's tough attitude towards his partner. If a woman dreamed of a wild animal, then the lover does not want to fulfill her desires, because he does not share them.
A man's dream speaks of an imminent separation from a lady, since she does not get what she wants from an intimate relationship. The battle with the beast foreshadows a quarrel, and then reconciliation, accompanied by a surge of passion. A running wild animal is evidence that the dreamer does not pay enough attention to intimate life. The partner will soon express dissatisfaction with this negative fact.
Dream Interpretation Maya
The Mayan dream interpretation testifies that the boar is a symbol of an evil person, an implacable enemy who is close to the sleeping person.
Dream Interpretation Longo
A vision with a wild animal means that a person in the near future will have to prove his point of view to the boss. This will take a lot of patience and strength.
The beast lying under your feet shows that one acquaintance is hiding his passionate feelings. It is worth considering who he is. A wild boar who turned his head up to be stroked means that you should not behave harshly and harshly with people.
Psychological dream book
Seeing yourself in the form of a wild animal means that the dreamer does not do what is important to him. This means that soon this self-restraint will develop into a depressive state. Better to reconsider your outlook on life.
A wild boar making attempts to hide behind trees marks a major quarrel with a dear person, which will drag on in time. Maybe a good relationship will never be renewed.
The meaning of sleep for a woman
Any woman should know what a wild boar is dreaming of.
- The attacking beast symbolizes dissatisfaction with life.
- A wild animal, lying with its head on the lap of an unmarried lady, speaks of the imminent receipt of a proposal for a marriage union. And if the woman is married, then about the husband's suspicions of the infidelity of the companion.
- A wild boar lying in a muddy puddle is a warning about conflicts with households related to housekeeping.
- If a woman watches a resting boar, the enemies choose the right moment to deliver a brutal blow. It will be difficult to recover from it.
- The sight of a married lady of a wild boar near the house will be a warning that the passion that has arisen will seriously dizzy. But we must think that adultery will destroy existing happiness, but will not give anything in return.
A lady of any age should take her dreaming with animals seriously.
The meaning of sleep for men
Males should also know the meaning of dreams:
- A fight with a wild pig is evidence of a bad relationship with a beloved woman. If something is not changed, then a break will follow.
- A wild boar running without stopping is a reminder of being busy with official business. This situation will further lead to depression.
- A dirty beast will be a harbinger of the successful completion of all undertakings.
- A huge hog who cannot get to his feet speaks of success in business. Income will grow day by day.
- Seeing a wild boar drown in a stormy river would be a sign that a property dispute will lead to worsening financial affairs.
- An animal that sharpens its fangs on a tree is a warning of a serious danger to business. It is necessary to quickly decide who can influence the conduct of business and quickly resolve misunderstandings with this person.
- A wounded beast is a sign of victory over an enemy that interfered with business.
- The battle with an angry boar is evidence that the sleeper has unraveled the intrigues of enemies. He will not be drawn into an event that will bring financial ruin and dishonor.
- Receiving a boar's head as a gift predicts victory over a powerful enemy.
- If you dreamed of boar cubs spinning under your feet, it means that the growth of well-being is ensured.
- Feeding wild animals will indicate expanding business interests.
- Buying wild boars foreshadows the acquisition of real estate property, subject to concessions in favor of competitors.
A boar in a dream is an extraordinary animal. It can be a harbinger of both good events and bad ones.