Recently, on his page on the social network, the famous developer Elon Musk posted a photo of a prototype base that is planned to be built on the Red Planet. This news immediately caused a lot of discussion among those who believe in the near future of earthlings on Mars, and one hundred percent skeptics.
Recall that the base was tentatively named Alpha and the company's specialists are currently involved in its creation. The design looks impressive, however, skeptics do not believe that the project will ever be implemented.
In addition, Musk has published an image of the rocket that will send the first people to Mars, as well as all the necessary equipment. Its first launch should take place approximately next year. And if these tests turn out to be successful, then it is likely that such a rocket will become the main transport between Earth and Mars in three years. After all, this is exactly how much, according to Musk, is necessary in order to begin the project of colonizing the Red Planet.