The study of our solar system continues, and, according to experts from the Brazilian State University, there is too much unexplored in it. So, recently, these experts discovered four more relatively young asteroid groups, which are roughly in the main belt of our system, in the region between the Martian orbit and the orbit of Jupiter.
In order to identify new families, scientists had to use one of the most high-precision technologies, implying reverse integration, which, by the way, is intended only for identifying 'young' asteroids up to twenty million years old. As for the four new families, the age of these space stones varies within eight million years, which makes them extremely young.
Recall that now it is known about one hundred and twenty families, as well as several dozen separate groups of celestial bodies. Large families may include several hundred asteroids, while small families may include no more than a few dozen.
In the main belt of our system, there are formations, the age of which starts from several million years and reaches up to hundreds of millions. The oldest asteroids were formed about 4 billion years ago.