In ancient times (about 1000-2000 years ago), there was a tradition to publicly punish an astrologer in the case when most of his predictions did not come true. It is regrettable that in our time such a tradition no longer exists.
A horoscope is a diagram of the relative position of celestial bodies (stars, planets) at a certain point in time. Often, the same word is synonymous with the prediction of the future, made by astrologers in the same way.
Many peoples have been caught in the invention of astrology: ancient Hellenes, Mayans, Persians, Egyptians and even Slavs. But not everyone knows that at the time of the formation of astrology, people knew about the existence of only 5 planets of the solar system, so the 'calculations' were made without taking into account the newly discovered ones. It is also important that in the astrological systems of different civilizations one and the same planet had not only different, but sometimes even antonymous meanings. Also horoscopes are also programs of the 'biorhythm compatibility calculation' type, in other words, a horoscope, for a greater show-off, compiled on the basis of a simple computer program, etc. In general, horoscopes differ in their diversity: the horoscope of compatibility (shows whether two people can coexist next to each other without straining), the eastern horoscope (here each of the signs denotes an animal and 'reigns' for a whole year), the horoscope of the Druids (Celtic or Gaulish, a person, depending on the time of his birth, is endowed with the features of a certain TREE! That's nonsense!) and the like dregs.
One of the most common types of horoscopes is the so-called newspaper horoscope. His habitat is glossy magazines. The author is some nimble housewife. The audience is the same housewives, only with less imagination, unable to come up with such nonsense on their own. Often newspaper horoscopes contain a variety of practical tips and 'useful' recommendations, such as 'watch out for a red-haired, lame, three-eyed dwarf on Monday' or 'do not cross the road at a red light on Monday, and do not forget to wash your hands after using the toilet on Wednesday'.
Basically, such horoscopes are designed for mentally unbalanced people. But do not forget that these strata of the population, prone to indiscriminate superstitions, constitute a large part of our society, and therefore the target audience of horoscopes is inexhaustible. And all of them are surprised to note that the newspaper prophecy is coming true: in the summer, during the holidays, the horoscope promises a pleasant time, and on Friday – a corporate drunkenness. And, lo and behold! and so it happens!
But the only type of horoscope that is correct from the point of view of astrologers is a horoscope from a professional astrologer. It is compiled by a specially trained person for a certain fee individually for each patient. However, due to natural thrift and fear of waste, wide sections of the population prefer any of the above horoscopes to this type.
Reasons for the popularity of horoscopes
Often, belief in horoscopes is directly related to the psychological effect, popularly known as the Barnum effect. Its essence is as follows: when drawing up horoscopes, such general phrases are used that when reading the description, anyone will find similar features, and discard all inappropriate ones as minor errors. On the other hand, if a person from childhood is inclined to believe that according to the horoscope he is a Kangaroo (Hamster or Przewalski's Horse), gradually, imperceptibly for himself, this patient adopts certain features from the description. In other words, an inverse relationship is observed. Some situations give rise to positive qualities that appear when thinking 'I have to do this because I am a Kangaroo!' Negative traits arise with the thought 'I have the right to do this, I'm a Kangaroo!' Most often, positive descriptions are given, flattening pride, which increases the likelihood of acceptance by the patient.
There are also anti-horoscopes that criticize in detail all the signs of the zodiac, which, oddly enough, appeals to many upright people who enthusiastically note: 'Wow, you! So this is definitely about me! '
In terms of commonplace erudition
To draw up an individual horoscope, you only need to know the exact date of birth of a person. This is necessary in order to correctly place the stick corners on the astrological chart, which will accurately predict both the number of grand pianos falling on your head in the coming month, and the date of your wedding / divorce, and more often, oddly enough, with the opposite sex … In other words , for individual zodiac signs, the degree of accuracy of horoscopes is identical to predicting the flight path of a spherical horse in a vacuum. Perhaps we will reveal to you a terrible secret, but almost all magazine horoscopes are drawn up on Friday evening after work by a noisy company with something intoxicating. Other “prospectors”, in order to make their predictions scientific in nature, dilute them with such astronomical garbage as ephemeris tables and the like, which, however, does not help them much.
In terms of statistics
1. Almost every description of any astrological sign can be attracted to almost every person, since the statements that characterize the zodiac sign are exactly half true. That is why, when familiarizing with these characteristics, the patient notes his inherent features and believes in it. Moreover, often positive characteristics prevail in the description.
2. The main task of astrologers is to make money. And do nothing yourself for this. And therefore, with a probability of about 95 percent, astrology deliberately becomes more complicated, so that a common man in the street could not understand anything on his own and hawala everything that is given to him.
3. Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, the framework that determines a person's life depends on the conditions of his existence, social status, etc. So, for people born under the sign of Sagittarius, but in different countries, there are no special similarities. However, from the point of view of astrology, they are like two from a casket, identical in face.
You can endlessly argue about coincidences / mismatches of horoscopes. The only thing that needs to be understood is that if there are experimental coincidences of astrology in life, then they need to be identified scientifically, and not resorting to the reflections of Pavel Globa, who simply makes money on your ignorance and suspiciousness.