How to learn to read other people's thoughts?

How to learn to read other people's thoughts?

Teaching yourself to read other people's thoughts is quite realistic and this will take no more than 10 minutes. Here is what one of the world's leading psychologists, Kiran Behara, said about this:

'Don't say you can't do it because you can. Friends, family members, even strangers on the street can be an open book for you. You will know everything they think about. You will know how they feel. And all you need is to develop your mind, a little desire and intuition. If you follow these tips carefully, you will be able to read the minds of friends and loved ones after just 10 minutes of training. You will find that identifying the thoughts and feelings of strangers does not require a lot of practice. If you are serious and work on it, you will read the minds of any person you meet. '

Behara himself hails from Los Angeles and his clients include some of the most famous stars in politics and show business. He has greatly improved his mind reading techniques since completing his 11 years of research and is now confident that anyone can learn to read minds if they follow this sensational plan, which consists of just four points:

1. Clear your mind of all thoughts and worries and open yourself to the people and opportunities around you. Don't think about anything. Feel everything. Become one with your environment and the person whose thoughts you want to read.

2. Look at what you see, and then pay attention to the little things. For example, look at the person closely and really focus on them. Then look at everything except this person, for example, at the chair on which he sits, at the objects around him.

According to the psychologist, this will give you a feel for the person and his environment, which is especially important if you are going to read his thoughts without interference from the forces and energies that flow around us all.

3. Look the mind reader directly in the eyes for 10 to 15 seconds, then quickly look away. Visualize his face and eyes in your mind and focus intently on how you feel about him.

Behara is sure that it is at the third stage that you will tune in to the person's thoughts and they will fill your mind.

4. It is unnecessary to talk to a person. And without this, your mind will literally be flooded with his thoughts, feelings, desires and plans. Trust your instincts and intuition. Don't hinder this. Forget about them right away or keep them in mind and use them later.

Kiran Behara and a number of other research psychologists are sure that everyone is capable of developing telepathic abilities in themselves, since it is inherent in human nature. To do this, you just need to learn to use the capabilities of the human brain more openly and intensively.

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