How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

The secrets of dreams have worried humanity for many centuries. At night, when the body is relaxed and the brain is resting, amazing things happen: for example, you can see upcoming real events, or get answers to questions of interest. how to see a prophetic dream On any church holiday, you can see a prophetic dream

Sometimes such dreams come spontaneously, but there are ways of voluntarily causing a prophetic dream with the help of conspiracies. All offered magical rituals are what will help you open the veil of the future.

Prophetic dreams: when and why do they dream?

Not all the dreams that Morpheus sends to a person are prophetic. Spontaneously prophetic dreams are often dreamed during the Christmastide week (January 7-19). The fate of the dreamer is suggested by the deceased who appeared in the dream.

On any church holiday, you can see a prophetic dream that comes true until lunch the next day. But on the days of spiritual holidays, dreams cannot be 'ordered', they must be spontaneous.

In the calendar month, two dates stand out:

  • night on the 3rd – at this time prophetic dreams come;
  • night on the 25th – at this moment, fortunetellers are visited only by empty (bodily) dreams.

A dream may turn out to be a thing on any day of the week, but there is a time when a dream will certainly be prophetic.

Monday night

Esotericists do not recommend attaching importance to these dreams. The 'pictures' seen demonstrate the degree of tension, the intensity of a person's nervous experiences. They don't come true or are not fateful.

Tuesday night

A dream reflects a person's creativity. This is a dream worth paying attention to. If at night you are immersed in pleasant impressions – feel free to take on a new business. If you dreamed about victory, this is an omen. Such a dream should come true within 10 days – if this did not happen, then you should not wait for its realization further.

Wednesday night

Those people who had to see a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday are interested in the question of how to understand that it is prophetic. The probability that what you saw this night will come true is 50/50. This site of the week is ruled by Mercury. And he either sends euphoria, fools his head with illusions, or asserts you on the right path of thinking.

Dreams 'on Wednesday' must be interpreted taking into account all signs and details, their relationship with each other. Thus, you can get both just advice and see a detailed picture of the upcoming event.

Rule of thumb: A dream (Tuesday to Wednesday) cannot be trusted if it is a realistic direct plot. On this night, prophetic dreams can arise in the form of a parable, a fantasy coded vision. If the plot of the dream is real, this means that it must be perceived allegorically or not taken into account, since there is no prophecy in it.

prophetic dream conspiracy Basic rule: dreaming (from Tuesday to Wednesday) cannot be trusted

Thursday night

At this time, dreams come in that have a fateful meaning. With the help of sleep, you can solve a long-standing problem, find a way to improve your financial situation, settle a conflict, and get answers to other important questions.

Friday night

At this moment of the week, intuition sharpens, so prophetic dreams are dreamed, which mainly relate to personal life. If you remember in more detail the plots of the dream – these events will take place in real life. If after the dream only a pleasant emotional state remains, and the script itself does not linger in your mind, then you can expect good luck in life.

Saturday night

At this time, Morpheus often gives prophetic dreams filled with positive emotions that can come true in the coming days.

Sunday night

At the end of the week, the events of the next Sunday are dreamed of. Moreover, the truthfulness of a dream depends on its emotional coloring. If the dream was pleasant, wait for its realization; if not, the dream will not manifest itself in real life.

Vision dreams are prophetic messages from higher powers that always come true. So a person is warned of retribution for unworthy actions, or, conversely, they promise him protection for the good deeds he has done.

Fortune-telling dreams – a person sees these dreams after performing magic rituals with reading conspiracies before going to bed, read more about conspiracies here. They almost always come true.

Dreams-signs – in order to interpret such a dream, you need to own the symbolism of sleep, or look into special books – dream books.

It is believed that babies in the first year of life have prophetic dreams.

How to see a prophetic dream – the rules

The effectiveness of using a conspiracy for a prophetic dream primarily depends on the correct inner mood of the dreamer. To maximize the benefits of the ritual, follow the rules:

  1. You need to go to bed before midnight (at least 1-2 hours before it). If this is not your habit, adjust your routine.
  2. The last days of the growing moon are suitable for the ritual. At this time, you can not only find out the future, but also get advice on solving pressing problems. Some experts argue that full moon nights are suitable for fortune-telling dreams, while other experts categorically deny this.
  3. We'll have to spend the night all alone. If on other days you share your bed with someone, retire for the night in the next room.
  4. Any sources of information and communication should be completely excluded: telephone, computer, TV and others, so as not to distract you from the ritual. It is also advisable to stop the alarm, and perform the ceremony itself before the weekend, so that the awakening is as natural as possible.
  5. Just before bed, you need to relax as much as possible in all ways. Take a hot bath with aromatic oils (lemon balm, mint, lavender, rosemary are what you need). Fumigate the room with incense or surround the bed with herbs that will soothe you.
  6. Before making a prophetic dream, you need to focus as much as possible on what you want to know. Moreover, one should not think over the expected answers to the question or possible scenarios. Otherwise, the dream will turn out to be just a projection of your conjectures. Just concentrate on the important object. Your head should be capable of all extraneous, disturbing thoughts.

This method of divination is very effective, but it can be done better. In the East, wise people advise: when you go to bed, imagine how a lotus grows from your heart, watch how it opens – this is how you can see a prophetic dream.

how to cause a prophetic dream If you fail to see a prophetic dream, try to repeat the ceremony many times

The ancient Slavs fumigated the room with the smoke of dried cornflowers, which helped the witch's soul to leave the physical body and plunge into the astral world. Our contemporaries, too, will not hurt to get closer to nature, and master the art of night dreams to anticipate future events.

Please note that not everyone and not always needs to know their future, therefore, pronounce the words of the conspiracy delicately so as not to anger the saints. Avoid the practice of asking the same question with enviable consistency (spirits won't like this).

Tips on how to learn to have prophetic dreams:

  • Your question should be easy to understand. Think it over.
  • Pronounce each word of the conspiracy clearly and confidently.
  • Become aware of what you saw, put everything on the shelves. When you wake up, do not murmur (after all, you wanted to know this).
  • In the morning, be sure to say aloud the words of gratitude to the saints for meeting your request and showing the future (whatever it may be).
  • Telling a prophetic dream to outsiders is possible only after three days (it is better not to share what you see with anyone).

It may happen that you happen to see a dream-omen in which every detail will require analysis. Different signs will be present depending on your question (who are your enemies, what will be the exam results, or something else).

For example, an airplane is a pipe dream, a boat is life, and so on. It is more difficult to figure out the numbers (it is sometimes unclear what they mean: year, month, day, time, or something else).

Conspiracy for a prophetic dream before going to bed

Now that you know how to prepare for the ritual, spells will help you find out the future with the help of a prophetic dream:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

These words must be repeated 5 times before bed. Or you can say, 'Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream!'

If you fail to see a prophetic dream, try repeating the ceremony many times. If the desired dream comes to you, in the early morning blow into your fist and say: 'I saw what I wanted!'.

All proposed conspiracies can be pronounced by both women and men (you just need to change the wording). For example: a servant of God – a servant of God, did – did, and so on.

Saturday conspiracy

This spell 'works' only on Saturday night. Prepare a slice of brown bread (it shouldn't be stale). Before going to bed, cut a slice of bread and salt it. Cast the spell while looking at a piece of bread and salt:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Leave the salted slice of bread at the head of the bed. Then go to bed immediately. If you dream, hide the bread in the morning so that it can dry out, but not disappear. When the foretold comes true, retrieve the hidden food.

Add salt to dishes, and feed the bread to the birds. If the prediction does not come true, or if you have a bad dream with a bad prophecy, the products cannot be used. Throw the bread and salt into the trash can immediately.

Holy water conspiracy

For fortune telling in this way, you will need 1 glass of holy water and a candle. Light a candle and read into the water 3 times:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

After that, wash yourself with a charmed water and go to bed. There, say 3 times: 'I made a guess – it will come true!'.

Evening water conspiracy

For this ceremony, you will need spring water collected in the evening. In fact, mineral water is also suitable, but it is not known when it was collected, so the ritual should be abandoned. If there is a well or other natural source nearby, draw water from it into a saucepan or plate. When you bring it home, immediately say the words:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

After that, wash yourself with water, dry off with a clean cloth, and go to bed without delay. This ritual will work for those who know how to fall asleep quickly. It is often not worth reading.

divination for a prophetic dream with candles It is recommended to use the method of candles to induce prophetic sleep only three times a year.

Rite of passage with a candle

It is recommended to use this method to invoke a prophetic dream only three times a year, and on strictly defined dates. These nights are:

  • Christmas;
  • Old New Year;
  • Night of Ivan Kupala.

At other times, the conspiracy fails. Any candle is needed for this ritual. Going to bed, light it, and say 3 times, stretching out the words (like inviting):

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

After these words, they are not baptized and they say: 'Amen'. The flame must be 'crushed' with your fingers or extinguished with a special device.

How a prophetic dream can help find a cure for a disease

For those who have been ill for a long time and have been unsuccessfully treated, there is a way to find out during sleep what medicine to take in order to recover. To do this, you need to go to bed on the territory of the church – this is the most difficult part of the ritual.

But suddenly, you manage to find a church that is not guarded at night, or you have to pretend that you temporarily have nowhere to spend the night (and next to the church everything is better than on a park bench). The time of the ritual is St. Nicholas Day.

Before falling asleep, you need to read the conspiracy:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

If you manage to fall asleep, then the dream will reveal a means or a way to get rid of the disease.

What to do to dream about a future wife or husband?

The desire to find out the future of your personal life, to see your soul mate is inherent in both sexes. But for girls and guys, the dreaming ritual looks different.

Ritual for a man to dream of his future wife

The guy has to do the ritual on Monday. But for this it is not enough to know the conspiracy, you need to collect a set of items.

You need to buy a woman's handkerchief on Sunday – it will indicate your choice. If you are interested in simple girls, you can buy a regular handkerchief. If you want to grab the 'firebird', then get a special item (with embroidery or lace).

Place a broom next to the head of the bed, and place a rolling pin (or other kitchen utensils). On the day of the ceremony, give up meat and fatty foods (there should be lightness in the stomach). Do what the plot says and go to bed with the words:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

The plot has been read. Now, without communicating with anyone, plunge into the depths of the Sandman in silence.

how to invoke a prophetic dream Do not hope that you will necessarily be able to remember the face of your betrothed

How a girl can cause a dream that will show her betrothed

To do this, you need to read a special conspiracy. It is best to pronounce these words where you are sleeping for the first time (preferably from Thursday to Friday). A girl can use any opportunity: sleep with a friend, go to a resort. Everywhere you can say before bed:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Or in other words: 'In a new place, dream of the groom to the bride!'.

Unfortunately, this does not always give the desired result, since it is very difficult to completely relax on someone else's bed. But a similar ritual can be done at home. This should be done on Tuesday (after the full moon).

Before falling asleep say out loud:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Do not expect that you will necessarily be able to remember the face of your betrothed. Perhaps you will only be shown the vague outlines of the future husband (or wife).

Prayers for prophetic dreams

To call prophetic dreams, they say not only conspiracies, but also prayers. They read them very quietly (in a half-whisper).

Prayer with candles

You will need 2 church candles (they need to be twisted together into one so that the wicks are on opposite ends).

The nuances of the ritual:

  1. Carry out no more than once a month;
  2. Pronounce words from Thursday to Friday;
  3. Choose the time interval 22.00-23.00 for reading the prayer.

Light the resulting twisted candle on both sides. Take it in your left hand so that one light is at the bottom and the other at the top. Say a prayer to the Mother of God:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Having said the word 'Amen!', Put out the candle and leave it at the head of the bed or on the bedside table (bedside table). You should definitely fall asleep before midnight. Take the twisted candle stubs to church in the morning (or within three days). Leave them in the candlestick tray.

Prayer to the Mother of God to see a prophetic dream

While reading this prayer, no one should be near you. Whisper these words just before bed 7 times in a row:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Didn't have a dream? This is a great sign that says that you are safe. Repetition of the ceremony is possible no earlier than 2 months later. But do not show excessive curiosity, do not get carried away by reading conspiracies and prayers unnecessarily.

what to do to have a prophetic dream It is advisable to choose a mirror without patterns, decorative elements, frames

Mirror ritual and the '77 Brahmins' spell

The mirror is a frequent 'participant' in magical manipulations. There is also a way to induce a prophetic dream with its help. The peculiarity of such a dream is that it reflects the near future.

To perform the ceremony, you will need a small round mirror. It is advisable to choose a mirror without patterns, decorative elements, frames. It's good if it is new, but if not, no problem.

Rinse the reflective object with cold running water, dry it with a cloth, wipe with alcohol (the latter is optional) – and your magic 'assistant' is cleared of extraneous information, ready to use.

Just before you go to bed, place a mirror under your pillow. Then you will need to say the words 7 times:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

After that, do not communicate with anyone (neither in person, nor by phone). You cannot be distracted from the ritual. It's good if the last time you utter magic words is already half asleep.

To enhance the effect, follow the procedures from other rituals (relaxing bath, fumigating the room with incense, placing magic herbs, magic tea).

When you wake up the next day, analyze what you dream. Not everyone can recall the dream in detail at once. Do not despair. Details of the dream will 'emerge' a little later – in the afternoon or the next day. Often, after a spell, people dream of a mirror in which one can see the reflection of what they wanted to know.

Hide the magic mirror in the morning. It will be useful to you in the future for magical rites. In everyday life, you should not use such an important item.

The divination of 77 Brahmins for a prophetic dream helped many people (including Alexander the Great) to foresee important events in life. It will help you too! Read the spell before bed:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

Then cross yourself. Then don't talk to anyone until morning. Getting up, eating, reading is also prohibited. After the third word 'Amen', forces that will predict the future begin to act irreversibly.

Do not tell the dream that you see to anyone for three years. Unfortunately, this spell can only be used 7 times a year (no more). But even these rituals are invaluable because they will warn you of possible danger.

How to ward off a bad dream

When you have an unpleasant dream, or even worse – a nightmare, you really want it not to come true. It turns out there are ways to ward off bad sleep.

Initially, it is necessary to distinguish a simply terrible bodily dream from a prophetic dream. What people see in dreams is usually associated either with what is happening around them, or with disturbing thoughts that are deposited in the subconscious and then appear during complete relaxation.

Prophetic dreams are bright and believable. A person wakes up immediately after such a dream, and remembers everything that happened in him. All dream events are logical and understandable, have an end.

Sometimes in such a dream, numbers may appear that indicate the date when the event should occur. The time of prophetic dreams is from Thursday to Friday.

A person is designed in such a way that any dream makes him curious: what did he dream about. People who are wise with life experience advise, after a bad dream, “not to rack your brains,” but to immediately drive away the bad omen from yourself.

The easiest way to get rid of the consequences of a nightmare is with the help of the magic phrase: 'Samson-Samson, where the night is, there is sleep. It must be pronounced immediately after waking up, looking out the window. And no longer think about the problem.

If this wording does not inspire confidence in you, you can use another one:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

To surely 'close the road' to the predicted bad events, make a conspiracy on the water. Put some water in a cup and slowly pour it onto the ground. During this time, briefly recount your nightmare. All negativity will 'drain' together with the water absorbed into the ground.

In urban settings, it is easier to carry out another ceremony. Turn on cold water in the bathroom, and while it is pouring, tell the dream. Then take a shower, or wash yourself, say:

How to make and see a prophetic dream: conspiracies and prayers for every day

There is a well-known rule: good dreams are not told to anyone until they come true. But you need to have time to tell someone a bad dream before lunch – this will help prevent its embodiment in reality. Moreover, the more 'listeners' you manage to find, the better.

It helps to ward off a bad dream by turning the pillowcases inside out and shaking them on the balcony or outside. This should be done immediately in the morning if you had to see a bad dream.

If, after all the rituals you have done, you are still scared, leaving the house, take a step over the threshold with your left, not right foot.

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