How to speak a heel spur

Heel spurs, if not ruining life, will definitely make it a little less pleasant. Those who do not agree to endure and abandon an active life should take the situation into their own hands and remove the annoying factor. In the esoteric teachings, many options for rituals have accumulated that allow you to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon. Usually they involve reading magical conspiracies and church prayers from the heel spur.

heel spur conspiracy

Rules of conduct

In esoteric practices, there are recommendations on how to successfully speak forever a heel spur.

  1. A prerequisite is compliance with the rules unquestioningly, only this will allow you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.
  2. Conspiracies and rituals aimed at getting rid of spurs will have great power if they are carried out on the aging moon. It is believed that, gradually disappearing from the sky, the night star is able to take ailments with it.
  3. Doubts should not be allowed to enter thoughts. You need to be one hundred percent sure of the power of created rituals, prayers or conspiracies.
  4. Do not tell others about your magical practice. You can only share with the person whom you consider to be the Teacher in order to ask him for advice. It is worth remembering a simple magic formula: the more ears heard about your ritual, the less effect it will have.
  5. All items and products used in rituals must be as natural as possible. Pottery, wool or cotton fabrics, food from a personal utility area are welcome.
  6. When buying something for the ritual, you cannot take change.
  7. Any esoteric practice requires maximum concentration. To give magical power to your actions and words, you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts and feelings. It is necessary to ensure that all life is focused in the present moment, in a certain place and on an exciting problem.
  8. Before embarking on a particular ritual, it is important to study it thoroughly. The more effort, time and energy invested in the action, the stronger the response.

Effective conspiracies

Verbal conspiracies on the waning moon

This conspiracy must be pronounced, at the same time crossing the sore spot:

'I see how spurs grew from the red rooster, and God's servants (name) grew spurs. The leg of the rooster dries up, so the spur of the servant of God (name) would have dried up. '

Pronounced nine times in a row and repeat the next day as needed.

Here's another very effective heel spur hex. It must be said aloud three times:

'The table has become, take the spurs from the servant of God (name). As the legs at the table dried up, so the spurs of the servant of God (name) dried up. '

Read the words just before bed. Tap the sore heel with your palm as you speak. In this case, you must certainly imagine in your thoughts how to chop a spur with a certain sharp or piercing object. Immediately after awakening, do not forget to recite the prayer 'Our Father', focusing on the painful point and placing your palm on it.

On hot pepper

The ritual will require two teaspoons of red pepper and clean cotton socks. They spend it in the evening, after a shower, just before going to bed. Pepper is poured into clean socks, trying to get into those places that will come into contact with the heel spur.

To strengthen the action, they read the prayer 'Our Father'. With its help, pepper will “burn out” the disease, cleanse the body and give strength.

The ritual should be repeated for ten days, trying to carry out without interruptions at the same time. If everything is done correctly, then on the eleventh day the patient will experience noticeable relief.

On birch tar

A small amount of tar is required for the ritual. They smear the affected areas with it, repeating the words of the conspiracy from the heel spur:

How to speak a heel spur

This strong heel spur conspiracy brings relief the very next day. However, the ritual can be repeated until the disease completely recedes.

For butter

In addition to the text of the conspiracy, you will need:

  • a piece of creamy product about 25 g;
  • egg;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

The process of preparing the potion itself is magical. It must take place in silence, in the right position and with maximum concentration. If possible, products should be used fresh, without the addition of chemicals. It is better if they are purchased from farmers rather than from a store.

To begin with, put oil in a water bath. At the same time, an egg is broken into an earthen or glass bowl. Pour vinegar into it and mix. The melted butter is cooled a little and is also added to the remedy.

The whole process should be accompanied by reading the conspiracy:

How to speak a heel spur

The medicine prepared in this way is removed to a cold, dark place for three days. And then they use it, rubbing into sore spots twice a day.

On a tomato

It will require one ripe tomato and a small piece of red cloth.

The vegetable is wrapped in a cloth and crushed to crush it. In this case, the following conspiracy from the heel spur should be read:

How to speak a heel spur

Then a cloth soaked in tomato juice is tied to the affected areas, making something like a compress. In the evening before going to bed, the legs are wrapped in a blanket or warm blanket. It's good to turn off the lights, relax and imagine yourself healthy. For example, dancing or going for a run.

Attention should be paid to the sensations. Even in fantasy, it should be clear that every step is easy and painless.

On the leg of a rooster

For the ritual, you will need a rooster leg and a piece of clean natural fabric. Held in the evening. They put the leg on the table and, standing nearby, pronounce the conspiracy:

How to speak a heel spur

They read these lines exactly nine times, without interruption, without turning around and without being distracted by anything. After that, the rooster's leg is wrapped in cloth, taken out into the street and buried in the ground, repeating a new conspiracy:

How to speak a heel spur

As the bone dries up in the ground, the disease will begin to recede, be patient and watch your health.

However, if the spur is large, it makes sense to repeat the ritual. This is done immediately the next day.

For honey

To treat a heel spur, put as much honey as you need to rub into the affected area in a clean bowl. The container is held in front of you and read the conspiracy:

How to speak a heel spur

They lubricate the feet with the charmed honey until the disease recedes.

Wanga's conspiracy

The Bulgarian healer had a favorite prayer that helped to relieve hundreds of people from various diseases:

How to speak a heel spur

The blind seer also recommended reading it with heel blinders. Moreover, I advised to do this in a special way, for water, typed in a transparent vessel – a bottle or a can. It is placed on the window so that moonlight falls on the water. It is good if the night star is at the same time in the decay stage. In this case, one night is enough for the water to become miraculous.


They help everyone who reads sincerely, from the heart and with faith.

People suffering from heel spurs pay attention to prayers that can be easily found in prayer books:

'Our Father';
Saint Panteleimon;
Nicholas the Wonderworker about help in illness for himself.
Rituals, conspiracies and prayers are support during illness. Sometimes they are effective where other remedies are not helpful. Using these magical actions is like letting a miracle into your life. Let me get rid of your heel spur, believe that life without pain is possible, and everything will change.

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