How to understand that the dream was prophetic?

Plots of night dreams can predict future events. However, we see different stories every night and not all of them come true. We propose to figure out how to distinguish prophetic dreams from empty, not prophetic. how to understand that a prophetic dream Most often, prophetic visions visit a person in moments of emotional excitement.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one?

Many plots that come to a person during the moments of a night's rest, one way or another, are related to the future. They contain symbols that are interpreted as a harbinger of any event. Of particular note are obsessively recurring dreams in which the same images appear.

  1. Esotericists claim that it is not difficult to define prophetic dreams. They provide a clear picture of events relevant to the dreamer's life. The plot of such a vision is as straightforward as possible. Symbols and images that have a double interpretation are present in it in minimal quantities.
  2. Most often, prophetic visions visit a person in moments of emotional excitement, or are associated with making difficult decisions. In such dreams, you can see a specific action or event related to an existing problem. In some cases, a dream warns of future events, pushing the dreamer in the right direction.
  3. Such visions represent a plot, the unfavorable outcome of which the dreamer is able to change in his own way. Skillfully using prompts from above, a person has the opportunity to avoid serious troubles, and sometimes save the life of himself or his loved ones.
  4. The prophetic vision does not go unnoticed, as it evokes a strong emotional response. Simply put, if after awakening a person is certain for some time that what happened can repeat itself in reality, such a dream is likely to be prophetic.

Signs of a prophetic dream

The interpretation of the predictions that come in a dream is individual. And this is not surprising, because the warning concerns the life of a specific person. However, there are a number of common signs by which one can find out whether the dream was prophetic or not.

The main 'symptoms' that night vision is a warning from higher powers:

  • Bright colors – colored dreams indicate the sensitivity of the subconscious to information.
  • The presence of a plot – events in a dream develop consistently and logically.
  • The dream is a complete story, and the dreamer has the ability to influence its outcome in the course of the action.
  • A vision contains a message from a specific character, conveyed in words or numbers.
  • The last important sign is the duration of the night dream. Its length is comparable to real time.

When to make prophetic dreams?

A dream predicting fate can be seen on any day of the week, but it is believed that this probability increases from Thursday to Friday. Fridays preceding the following church holidays have special magic:

  1. Great Lent.
  2. Annunciation.
  3. Trinity.
  4. Nativity of John the Forerunner.
  5. Day of Elijah the Prophet.
  6. Dormition of the Virgin.
  7. Archangel Michael Day.

Dreams that fall on the Yule week – the interval between Christmas and Epiphany – are also considered as things.

Predictive visions are a message from higher powers, but you can lift the veil over the future as you wish. The so-called commissioned ones can hardly be called prophetic in the conventional sense, but they often predict important events: a meeting with a lover, the birth of a baby, the emergence of new career opportunities.

In order to see the future, it is necessary to perform the appropriate ritual at the right time.

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