Recently, on its official page, NASA showed an impressive photo of the iconic galaxy, which was captured in detail for the first time by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The American space agency NASA has presented an image showing the famous galaxy in a new light. The bright rotating object shown in the photo was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, which is overseen by ESA and NASA.
This is the galaxy NGC 1803, which is surrounded by dark space and an array of stars in the image. With its outer outline and spiral structure, it resembles our home galaxy – the Milky Way. However, NGC 1803 is 200 million light-years from Earth.
During the observation, a famous star system called the 'artist's easel' was also discovered in the southern constellation of Pictor.
The galaxy NGC 1803 was discovered in 1834 by the astronomer Sir John Herschel. The English polymath Sir Herschel is a big name in astronomy. Sir Herschel, his father William and his aunt Caroline have made tremendous contributions to this field. Science still uses their discoveries.
William Herschel systematically cataloged many of the objects he observed in the night sky, named many moons in the solar system, discovered infrared radiation, and more. Caroline Herschel also discovered several comets and nebulae.