Dream Interpretations explain why an adult dreams of the wedding of his own parents, as a symbol of tremendous changes in the fate of the sleeping person. After all, the wedding celebration of mom and dad is a beautiful element of the birth of a new life. The sleeper must reconsider his behavior in reality – this is what the parents' wedding is about.
Dream interpretation
According to dream books, people who have lived together for many years will soon again experience fresh feelings for each other, as in their youth. In addition, the dreamer's parents will bypass troubles, because the married couple entered the 'zone of calm'.
Do not interfere with dear people to enjoy the warmth and pleasant moments of spending time together.
But the dreamed wedding of other relatives promises a white streak in the life of that.
The sleeper must reconsider his behavior in reality – this is what the parent's wedding is about, which ended or was unsuccessful.
For example, there was a scandal during the celebration, or the marriage broke down altogether, it was very boring. Perhaps you show coldness towards parents who truly love you, create a lot of problems for them.
Mom's wedding
If the mother's wedding was dreamed, this is a warning about the unimportant state of health of the mother, possibly due to overwork. We need to pay more attention to the mother, take care of her health. Save your dear person from trouble, provide your mom with a few days of rest.
Why is the mother's wedding dreaming, the dream book interprets with an eye to the circumstances of the celebration:
- Luxurious celebration – in reality, big unplanned expenses await dreamers.
- A modest marriage is a harbinger of small waste.
- To be a witness (or witness) at the registration of the mother's marriage is a sign: relatives count on the dreamer's help, he will soon have to become a support for one of them.
Sometimes a dream in which a single mother gets married is interpreted by the dream book as boundless love for the most dear woman in the world. You subconsciously want your mother to find her love and be happy.
For a young woman, such a dream can mean a quick wedding with a wealthy man.
If the sleeping mother was just going to get married in his dream, this is a warning of the danger that threatens in reality someone close.
But the mother of friends or acquaintances, who appeared in your dream in a wedding dress, is a sign of adversity that will only slightly touch you and your immediate environment.
The image of the parents
To correctly interpret the dream about how your mom and dad get married, pay attention to what they are in your dream, what they do:
- Having fun, rejoicing – a harbinger for the dreamer of pleasant communication with representatives of the opposite sex and harmonious relationships.
- They look healthy, satisfied with life – a sign: the dreamer is protected
- Higher powers, he will thrive in the business arena.
- They are sad, have an unhealthy appearance – a warning: luck will bypass the sleeping side.
- They scold the sleeping person – a statement of fact: in reality the dreamer values the opinion of relatives very much, attaches great importance to it.
- Praise is a signal: the dreamer in real life is an egoist.
If you dreamed of the wedding of parents who are no longer alive, this is the eve of future troubles. You need to concentrate and show increased attention in doing business, when doing any work.
Perhaps you will see a photo from a family wedding album come to life when your mother and father were young – this dream has several meanings:
- In real life, you have prepared a springboard for a successful start.
- The awake sleeper does not use his full potential.
- Improvement is coming in all aspects of the dreamer's life.
For a young woman, such a dream can mean a quick wedding with a wealthy man.
In general, the dreamed images of mom and dad are an omen of significant events in the life of the sleeping person. What should happen does not depend on the dreamer's consciousness. But you can appease karma by showing more sensitivity, attention, and concern to your 'ancestors'. Then the coming changes will 'turn' for the better.