I dreamed of a small or large hippopotamus – interpretation of dream books

A hippopotamus in dreams is an ambiguous symbol that can promise new meetings, or it can portend unpleasant events associated with the dreamer's sluggishness, unwillingness to engage in assigned duties. To find out exactly why the hippopotamus dreamed, you need to remember the details of night vision.

Why is the hippo dreaming

General interpretation

A hippopotamus in a dream is predominantly a positive symbol that reflects spiritual harmony. But one should hope for positive events only if the animal is calm, peaceful.

Most often you see a hippopotamus in the water. The meaning of sleep depends on the state and mood of the animal, how the reservoir looks like:

  1. A well-fed, healthy, gorged hippo in clear water promises a win, unexpected income, a surprise or a rise in wages. If he is also calm, friendly, then one can hope for a career rise.
  2. Why dream of a skinny, sick hippopotamus in a muddy, dirty pond – financial difficulties ahead, a streak of bad luck.
  3. The dreamer entered the reservoir in which the animal is located – he will soon meet a pleasant person.
  4. Sailing on the sea towards a hippopotamus is in reality to overcome unexpected difficulties.
  5. Sailing on the sea away from him – you have to meet with an unpleasant person.
  6. The animal catches up with the dreamer by swimming – someone is trying to harm.
  7. A hippopotamus in seawater during a hurricane indicates a deep personality disorder. Sleep signals the need to listen to an inner voice, which will indicate that it is time to change in collective or family relationships.
  8. Many large and small hippos in the water – to replenish the family.

A hippopotamus may dream not in water, but in a muddy puddle:

  1. If he is happy to lie down in the mud or swamp, then there are big positive changes ahead regarding his career or personal relationships.
  2. If the animal is scared, driven into an unpleasant slippery puddle, then one should prepare for the hardships of life, which are highly likely to be associated with illness or injury.
  3. The dreamer fell into a muddy puddle in which the hippo is – in reality, he will commit an unworthy act.
  4. The hippopotamus, lying motionless in a slowly flowing, muddy river, symbolizes the laziness of the sleeper. Sleep indicates the need to act, to take up the mind in order to cope with the accumulated problems.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on what actions the sleeping person takes in relation to the hippopotamus:

  1. Feeds – career growth is ahead.
  2. Treats with fruit – to meet a pleasant person.
  3. He sees a certain person in the skin of a hippopotamus – he will become a victim of the hypocritical act of his boss or colleague.
  4. Is next to an animal that does not pay any attention to him – it's time to change the environment, break off relations with an indifferent and cynical partner.
  5. Runs away from a ferocious hippo – copes with life's obstacles with great effort.

A small hippo in a dream is a reflection of the helplessness and infantilism of the sleeper. This is a warning about the need to change attitudes towards school or work in order to bring about positive changes. The dreamer, stroking and hugging the baby, needs protection and care.

What is the dream of a small toy hippo – there are financial problems ahead that can be dealt with. A large plush toy promises an interesting acquaintance, an unnaturally huge one – the inability to free oneself from excessive maternal care. A plastic or wooden toy indicates the need to be careful in communication: there is a manipulator among the people around.

Interpretation of sleep from dream books

Each dream book offers its own interpretation of a dream in which a hippopotamus appears. Interpreters decipher the plot based on their attitude to the African animal, therefore, for a more accurate clue, it is important to read different sources, compare and draw conclusions.

Miller's interpretation

The hippopotamus is in the water – someone will maliciously give harmful and incorrect advice. To avoid oversights, you should not listen to others, it is better to rely on your own intelligence and experience.

A large hippo is a reflection of a strong overvoltage in real life. Moreover, the cause of the serious condition may be hidden, the dreamer does not understand what the problem is. Perhaps the reason is an excess of energy and aspirations, but a lack of physical capabilities and experience to implement ideas and plans.

Big hippo

Interpretation of Wanga

A large herd of hippos is a warning to be careful with a boss or a high-ranking person. A thoughtlessly spoken word or an ill-considered act can cause the loss of social status.

The cub predicts the arrival of relatives to visit.

A dead animal dreams of one big trouble or many troubles.

Freud's dream book

The hippopotamus is the image of the current love partner. This person is rude, indifferent, incomprehensible, does not take into account requests and desires, does not know how to deliver joy and pleasure in bed. Sexual life is not a priority for him, which is associated with ordinary laziness. A dream is a hint that it's time to break off relations, they are no good.

Modern dream book

A hippopotamus seen among river or forest vegetation promises acquaintance with an interesting authoritative person. If the animal peacefully eats grass, sleeps or swims, then patronage can be expected from this person.

Hippo training is a reflection of castles in the air built in real life.

I dreamed about an aggressive hippo – it will happen to fight a strong enemy.

Dreamed of an aggressive hippo

Family dream book

A hippopotamus in the jungle or savannah promises a meeting with a respectable person. But if the animal is furious, rushes into the attack, then it is necessary to fear the discontent of this person.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

I dreamed of a grazing or floating hippo, not paying attention to the dreamer – there will be a meeting with an authoritative person from whom you can ask for help.

Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist A ferocious animal chasing a sleeping person – in real life you will have to fight a strong and insidious competitor. The confrontation will be fierce, so you shouldn't waste your energy.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Hippo – the emergence of an authoritative person in life.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

A hippopotamus walking through the jungle or other exotic place promises a meeting with an important person.

The newest dream book

Hippopotamus – a warning about an ordeal.

Children's dream book

You see a hippo – you don't want to do anything. Laziness will force you to abandon everything.

Grishina's interpretation

Dream interpretation hippopotamus is a symbol of good luck, happiness, financial well-being. Moreover, the source of all these benefits can be both light and dark forces.

Mythological dream book

A hippopotamus in a dream is a reflection of powerful energy directed by several persons. In most cases, this flow is negative. Also, the animal promises acquaintance with an influential person.

Hippopotamus in a dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Hippopotamus is an image of an authoritative person who treats the dreamer well, is ready to provide help and support.

An aggressive, attacking animal is a warning of an imminent encounter with an insidious and stubborn ill-wisher.

Rommel's dream book

To see in a dream a grazing or sleeping hippopotamus among exotic vegetation – a meeting with an authoritative patron will soon take place.

The dreamer trains a hippopotamus – in reality he has empty hopes.

What a ferocious, angry animal rushing towards a sleeping person means is a warning of danger from the ill-wisher.

Summer dream book

Big and fat hippo dreams of good luck. Moreover, the more massive the animal, the more successful the circumstances will be.

Autumn dream book

The dreamer runs away from an angry hippopotamus, and he catches up with him – in reality, you should carefully look at the environment. Perhaps an ill-wisher lurked among loved ones, weaving intrigues.

Spring dream book

Soon I will have a chance to meet a solid, but arrogant person.

Interpretation depending on gender

From a dreaming hippo, a young girl should expect only positive news regarding romantic or friendly relationships. Sleep is an indication that a woman is mentally ready for real and deep feelings.

Why a mature woman dreams of a hippopotamus is a reflection of an attempt to justify her actions, to complete them. But it will not work to achieve what was planned, a complete collapse will follow. Also, a dream can mean a victory over an old rival.

A young man, a hippo, promises acquaintance with the opposite sex, love.

For a mature man, the plot promises the long-awaited removal of the burden of problems associated either with the disease or with the business process. Also, a dream is a reflection of anxiety and experiences, so you need to take care of your mental and emotional state.

A man who sees fighting hippos should not waste energy, since there is a difficult fight ahead with the enemy.

A hippopotamus in a dream is a predominantly positive image that promises a promising meeting or the achievement of inner harmony. Prepare for negativity only if the animal is sick or aggressive.

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