If a kind, affectionate dog in dreams symbolizes true friends, then an evil, aggressive dog symbolizes insidious enemies. Also, a dream can indicate the destruction of friendships. In order to correctly decipher night vision, you need to remember the plot details: what the dog looked like, what the dreamer did, what emotions he experienced.
Warning Dreams About Angry Dogs
A dog that growls, barks, tries to pounce on the sleeping person in a dream is a warning about the insidious plans of enemies. It is highly likely that a person who has seen such a dream will actually quarrel with friends because of his inappropriate behavior.
A dream can be seen by a person who has already offended a friend, for which he deeply regrets. And a dog bite wound means that an attempt must be made to rebuild friendships. That is, the image of an evil animal tells the sleeping person that it is time to think about further relationships with both friends and ill-wishers.
A dream in which an aggressive dog protects the sleeping person from other characters has a positive meaning. In reality, there are people around the dreamer who are ready to help. If the protecting dog looks huge in a dream, then the dreamer is under the protection of a guardian angel.
If the dreamer in reality became a victim of an attack by an aggressive animal, experienced great fear, then the dream does not carry a special meaning, but is only a reflection of the memory of an unpleasant incident.
Why does an angry dog dream – general interpretation
The dog, growling menacingly behind the sleeping person, warns of the presence of an intriguer in the environment who is ready to put a spoke in the wheels. Sometimes a dream predicts an unfortunate combination of circumstances, but the dreamer will not give up, will make new attempts to achieve his goal.
Expert Opinion Natalia Aleksandrova Numerologist, parapsychologist, tarologist The barking dog portends bad news. If the sleeping person hears only angry barking, but does not see the animal, then in reality he will have to face deceitful gossips.
The dog grins, its fangs are visible – the dreamer behaves rudely and incorrectly in relation to family members, colleagues or friends, morally suppresses them. The dream warns that close people no longer intend to endure resentment and humiliation, they are preparing to fight back, although the dreamer does not even suspect that he is doing wrong.
To see in a dream how an aggressive dog bites a person to death is to break under the weight of circumstances. The dreamer will not be able to defend his interests, he will be forced to abandon an important and promising business. Sometimes a dream indicates a bad emotional state of the sleeper, associated with forced communication with an unpleasant person.
The dog tore the throat, blood gushed from the victim's carotid artery – a big trouble is coming, which cannot be prevented.
It is not uncommon to see how an evil dog chases a cat. In reality, the actions of intriguers will cause fair indignation. However, you do not need to respond in kind, give free rein to a sharp tongue, otherwise everything will end badly. However, a dream in which a dog bites a cat to death promises positive events: a successful and fruitful course of affairs, favorable circumstances.
Dog location
In order to more accurately understand how events will develop in reality, it is important to remember where the animal was:
- A dog on a leash tries to reach the dreamer, but cannot because of the short rope – the enemies desperately want to harm, but have neither the strength nor the ability to implement insidious plans.
- A dog in a booth – an unpleasant incident will occur that will not affect the future of the dreamer and his family, but will remain in the memory.
- In the yard behind the fence – the dreamer will have to solve the problems of a loved one or a friend.
- Inside the dwelling – in the close environment of the sleeping person, there is a person who starts something unkind. To avoid trouble, you should not trust people too much, and also in the near future you should not invite anyone to visit.
- In the interior of a moving car – troubles will grow like a snowball. If the car is parked, and the dog is guarding it, then the dream promises positive changes in life.
- Angry dog on a leash – trouble will bypass.
- On a thick chain, you will have to do a lot of work, which will cause overwork.
Dreamer behavior
The way the situation is resolved depends on how the dreamer behaved in a dream:
- To be frightened by a large angry dog - in reality, you will have to wage an intense struggle with the close environment. The sleeper wants to live according to his own, and not according to dictated rules, which he considers vulgar and unacceptable, does everything possible to free himself from other people's influence.
- Run away from an angry dog - in reality, it's time to show all your skills and abilities so as not to yield to competitors.
- Teasing an evil animal – in real life, the dreamer is not afraid to take risks, is ready to destroy obstacles and confront dangers. Sleep is favorable if the teasing person is sober in a dream. But if the sleeper makes the animal angry while drunk, then the passion for risk can end badly.
- To feed the dog, calm and placate him with food – in reality, try to solve the problem in an illegal way – with a bribe, which will end badly. If the food is poisoned, then the dreamer, having suffered from injustice, wants to take revenge in any way.
- Stroking a dog that is kinder and calms down from caresses is to extinguish the flaring up conflict by agreement with both parties. If the animal, despite affection, remains aggressive, then a conflict situation cannot be avoided.
- Talking to a dog, calming its anger with commands – in reality, trying to reason with a loved one, who firmly adheres to his stupid opinion.
- To kill an evil dog – to overcome troubles, deal with enemies. If the dreamer kills an animal by throwing a stick or stone from a distance, then in reality he acts covertly, does not advertise the decisions made.
- Calling an angry dog - the dreamer realizes that problems have arisen due to his wrong actions, he is trying to correct mistakes.
- Fight an aggressive dog, knock it to the ground – win a confident victory over your enemies. If there are no traces left from the fight on the sleeping person's body, then the fight against enemies will end without financial and moral damage. If the dog tore clothes or inflicted a shallow wound, then the negative consequences will be negligible.
Dog appearance
The further development of events in reality depends on how the animal looked in a dream:
- A large angry dog indicates a breakup in a business or love relationship. And the partner will be the initiator.
- The angry little dog warns of minor business problems that can be dealt with.
- A white dog rushing at a person is a symbol of the unsuccessful development of affairs due to the intrigues of enemies. There is a chance that the dreamer will be accused of something he did not do.
- The black dog predicts disappointment. The dreamer learns that a friend denigrates his good name by telling everyone false information. Evil black bitch warns of bad news. Either a friend will have problems, and he will ask for help, or he will have to correct what he has begun.
- A gray angry dog predicts the betrayal of a friend. A gray bitch, aggressively protecting puppies, warns that a loved one is cheating on the dreamer with a relative or friend.
- The brown dog symbolizes an unpleasant, difficult person to communicate, but fair and honest, on whom you can rely.
- The angry red-haired dog warns that there is a person in the team who is stealing state property. Sometimes a dream means that relatives are preparing some kind of dirty trick.
- The variegated dog warns of the return of old problems.
- An angry dog with thick and long hair indicates the depressive, pessimistic mood of the sleeping person, his unbearable character. If the fur on the animal is tangled, hanging in tufts, then the dreamer should immediately visit a psychotherapist.
- A sick, emaciated dog warns of the development of infectious pathology.
- An angry dog without teeth means that the enemies surrounding the dreamer are not able to harm him. But if a person drives away a toothless animal, then in reality he comes up with problems for himself.
- A dirty, unkempt dog means that the sleeper in the recent past has committed an unseemly act, and now he is afraid that close people will find out about it.
- An angry cartoon or animated toy dog indicates baseless fears.
An angry animal rushes at a person – this is a warning about a conflict situation, the cause of which will be the angry, irritable character of the sleeping person. The larger the dog, the more conflict will flare up.
The pet rushes at its owner – the sleeping person must understand that all problems are related to his worldview or negative character traits.
An angry dog snatches food out of his hands – the dreamer will inadvertently speak out, which will give the enemies a reason to speak evil.
In a dream, a dog chases after a sleeping person – mistakes of the past, resentments, disappointments and unfulfilled plans do not allow moving forward. The dream suggests that for the successful development of affairs, it is necessary to throw off the emotional burden from oneself.
The dog overtakes the person – in reality, close people try to put pressure on the dreamer, dictate their own opinion. The dream warns that you need to think with your own head, and not follow other people's advice.
An angry dog, trying to catch up with the sleeper, jumps over the obstacle – the enemy is ready to go to any lengths to harm.
Wants to bite
An angry dog bites – you will have to listen to the discontent of a friend, annoyed by some action of the dreamer.
When decoding sleep, you need to take into account which part of the body the dog grabbed:
- in the hand – the sleeping person risks causing himself physical or mental harm by reckless actions;
- in the leg – the trip will be unsuccessful, it is better to postpone it.
If the bite wound is bloodless, then a certain person will shift his blame onto the dreamer. If the wound bleeds, then the sleeping person will become a victim of a relative's ugly act.
If a mad dog tries to bite the sleeping person, then in reality a direct collision with the enemy is coming. The enemy is self-confident, but it will not be difficult to defeat him.
Dog pack
Angry dogs, huddled in a flock, indicate fatigue, the need to take a break in order to take on further decisions with renewed vigor. The pack surrounded the dreamer – in reality, he has no assistants and sympathizers in the team. A pack of dogs attacks – there is a high probability of a serious conflict with friends, because of which the relationship will be destroyed for a long time.
Dogs fight among themselves – enemies will prevail. But fate will provide a chance to win back.
Aggressive pack hunts cats, rats or other animals – business stagnation will end.
What is the dream of an aggressive dog for women, men
An evil dog in a dream warns a married woman of a possible quarrel with her husband. A pack of evil dogs is chasing the dreamer – relations with family members will worsen. If a woman is going to get divorced, then the dream warns her that she will have to share property with her spouse through court.
An unmarried girl who sees an angry dog in a dream will be humiliated in reality because of her free position. Moreover, reproaches will pour in from people burdened with family. A girl who is frightened in a dream by a huge evil dog will marry a good man.
Sleep warns a pregnant woman of difficult childbirth. If an evil dog bit the dreamer, then there is a high probability of getting a birth injury or the birth of a premature baby.
A married man who sees an angry dog in a dream will be disappointed in his beloved in reality. And if he decides to divorce, then the ex-wife will take revenge on him in every possible way. For a single dreamer, a dream suggests that one should not continue persistent courtship of a woman who is not interested in him.
A love relationship will not last long, even if the chosen one reciprocates. A man who was bitten by a small evil dog in a dream will in reality be blackmailed by his former lover.
Dreams in which an angry dog appears are mostly negative, unless the animal protects the person. The dreamer should prepare for a conflict with friends, a deterioration in business and family relations. There is a high probability of seriously suffering from enemies, facing old and new problems, and abandoning plans.