I dreamed of many different dogs: a dream book for women and men

Dogs have lived next to humans since time immemorial. It so happens that a person dreams of pets. Dreams have many interpretations, depending on where the meeting with the flock took place, what breed of dogs, the size of the four-legged and other details.

Why do many dogs dream

Interpretations from various dream books

In dream books, there are various interpretations that a person dreamed of more than two dogs:

  1. Dream interpretation of lovers. A flock means that several events will occur in the life of an individual that will affect the course of later life. If the dogs are hostile, grinning and growling, this means that the chosen one is unfaithful, it will soon become known about this. If tetrapods behave peacefully, wag their tails, a meeting with their soulmate will soon take place.
  2. Dream interpretation of Aesop. To see that dogs are located nearby and bark at a person means that there are many people around him who slander and spread ridiculous rumors. If the flock runs away with barking, then this indicates that the black streak in life is over. Pets fight or tear a piece of meat – this is a warning that a difficult time of lack of money will soon come, and friends will not help in this situation.
  3. Miller's dream book. When many hunting dogs dreamed, this is confirmation that a person is surrounded by many competitors. They are ready to hound him to achieve their goals. When the dreamer imagines that he is a dog himself and runs along with the other tailed beasts, then soon he will be promoted in the service.
  4. Dream interpretation of Wanga. A flock of pets reminds that a person does not build relationships with loved ones. If the animals are aggressive, there will be a quarrel with the soul mate or children.
  5. Freud's dream book. The master of psychoanalysis interprets dreams in this way. Big dogs – big troubles associated with professional activities are not far off. Four-legged small breeds – soon we should expect an increase in salary, but it will be small and will not please a person. Medium-sized pets – times are stable in life, changes are not expected soon.
  6. Dream interpretation of Nostradamus. To see exhausted dogs is a symbol of the great workload and fatigue of the person himself. You need to find time to rest in order to continue working with renewed vigor. Otherwise, regular stress will lead to burnout. Energetic and active dogs, walking around with curiosity, speak of the dreamer's interest. He likes the business that he has to do.
  7. Esoteric dream book. A pack of dogs is an omen of a long and exhausting work on oneself. To correct the attitude of others towards themselves, you will have to change internally. This will be the key to future success and the emergence of a large number of close friends.
  8. The usual dream book claims that a pack of dogs is a good sign. Influential friends will soon appear who will help change the status of a person, improve his financial situation.

Interpretation depending on the details of the dream

The significance of sleep details is also great. They can clarify the general interpretation or point to other events that are destined to happen in the near future. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to each element.

Pets on the street

Why do many stray dogs dream on the street:

  • Dogs are chasing a man – there is some problem that needs to be solved urgently.
  • Several animals are sitting nearby – interruptions in money will begin, they will be sorely lacking.
  • Walking several four-legged – it is worth promoting those projects that a person has been thinking about for a long time.
  • Riding through the snow in a sled pulled by the tailed beasts will cause troubles in the family, you need to take measures to eliminate them.
  • A pack of dogs surrounded, does not give a pass – soon the mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come to visit for a long time.
  • A dreaming flock of sick or injured dogs portends injury or monetary loss.
  • A stranger shouts to the tailed: 'Fas' – there is a dastardly acquaintance surrounded by him who weaves intrigues.
  • If a man or woman sees in a dream that a friend is setting pets on them, then in real life it is worth taking a closer look at this friend and determining whether he is a friend or is simply pretending to be one.
  • To see in a dream a flock of pet dogs in collars – you need to pay attention to children. Most likely they have problems that they do not talk about.
  • Healthy and well-groomed tailed beasts jump around the dreamer or a stranger – good news will come.
  • Many sleeping four-legged – in a few days an important and long-awaited event will occur.
  • A flock howling around dead fellows is a bad omen. Soon one of the relatives will need expensive treatment, otherwise a fatal outcome cannot be avoided.
  • I dreamed of two howling dogs – some man harbored a grudge and would soon take revenge.
  • Seeing someone shooting stray animals means hiding problems from loved ones. It is worth talking frankly with friends or soul mate, tell what exactly bothers you.
  • Familiar dogs sat down near the dreamer – relatives will need moral or material help.

Expert opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist If pets are aggressive, then you should expect trouble. And if it is friendly, joyful events lie ahead. Aesop's dream book says that two large dogs jumping out of the house onto the street promise a prize.

Hair color of pets

The color of the dogs must also be taken into account when interpreting a dream. This is what many dogs of different colors dream about:

  • white, well-groomed individuals – all undertakings will lead to success;
  • multi-colored – you need to think about those events that have occurred recently;
  • black, with bald patches – trouble will come;
  • white and black – it is worth waiting for news;
  • brown – ill-wishers have thought out a plan on how to ruin a person's reputation;
  • dogs of incredible colors – you will have to deal with events that happened in the past.

If the animals are, as it were, in a fog, their color cannot be made out, then a period of changes begins in a person's life.

According to Miller's dream book, a pack, in which white and black individuals are equally divided, means that good and bad are balanced in the future. After such dreams, you should not complain to others about difficulties and failures.

Indoor pets

It is necessary to recall the actions of the dreamer in order to understand why he saw many dogs in the room in his dream.

  • mess around, play with four-legged – friends will come to visit soon;
  • there are several large pets in the room – it is worth waiting for a check at work;
  • puppies sit in the cage – household appliances will break down in the house;
  • small pets bark – actions taken by a person will lead nowhere;
  • two dogs, leaning against something in the room, dream about major troubles at work;
  • one dog attacked a person, and the rest are watching – a new member will appear in the work collective, which will bring confusion and intrigue;
  • small dogs run from room to room – the dreamer is confused in relationships with members of the opposite sex;
  • medium-sized animals settled down so that it was impossible to pass – the person went on the wrong path of life;
  • tailed beasts attack household members – a loved one stumbled, he needs help;
  • if many dogs in a dream fight so that chairs and tables fall down – a collapse of hopes.

Moreover, the room in dreams can be either residential, or office or warehouse.

Interpretations for women

Women's dreams about a pack of dogs are interpreted as follows:

  • a flock of friendly dogs wagging their tails – a friend or girlfriend will help solve pressing problems;
  • several thoroughbred pets – meeting with a wealthy gentleman;
  • a pack of dogs, in which one individual is much more than others, personifies that in a woman's life there is a person who suppresses her;
  • barking dogs near a woman – envious people constantly gossip behind their backs;
  • snow-white lapdogs – soon a declaration of love will be heard from a man;
  • dogs of fighting breeds are running towards – there are big troubles ahead;
  • if 2 dogs lick their hands, the bosses will praise for quality work;
  • small dogs run alongside – a new friend will appear in life, who should not be trusted;
  • dreaming of a mother with puppies – the girl will soon become pregnant.

To understand why a pack of hounds is dreaming of a woman, you need to use the explanation given by psychics. They argue that such tailed beasts represent change. This means that the dream portends that the lady will face major changes in one of the areas of life.

Why do many dogs dream

Interpretations for men

Men often do not pay attention to dreams, but in vain. When interpreted correctly, many troubles can be avoided.

  1. If you dream that several dogs are tied to one chain, this means that there are problems in a person's life that he does not want to solve. But if you do not urgently do this, then the number of troubles in family life and at work will increase.
  2. Dogs in collars with thorns are tied to different chains – the individual feels unhappy, something needs to be radically changed in life.
  3. Wangi's dream book claims that 2 dogs in a dream portend a meeting of a man with his beloved woman and a quick wedding.
  4. Someone let the dogs off the chain, the animals rush to the dreamer – major scandals and quarrels with the second half await him.
  5. Several dogs ran up to the man with furious barking – at work, ill-wishers gossip, undermining the reputation of a colleague.
  6. According to Freud's dream book, many dogs that attacked a person mean that he made a big mistake and the hour of reckoning is not far off.

The value of sleep depending on the number of dogs

In some dreams, you can accurately count how many pets were seen:

  • when three tailed beasts dream, it means that soon a person will receive a present from colleagues;
  • four dogs – the immediate boss will leave, and his place will be taken by the one with whom it is difficult to work together; \
  • a pack of five dogs – the volume of tasks at work will increase, but the salary will remain the same;
  • if you dreamed of a huge flock of four-legged animals, a person urgently needs to rest, otherwise solving everyday worries will lead to depression.

To know what dogs dream about, one must remember what was seen in the dream, all its details. Only then can a correct forecast of future events be made.

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