A photo from open sources
Large near-Earth asteroids have long been discovered, classified and listed in special astronomical atlases. But … recently a rather mysterious space object was discovered from near Earth with a diameter of almost a kilometer – this is real Invisible asteroid, now codenamed 2019 LF6.
How did this invisibility hide for so long from astronomers? It turns out that theoretically this asteroid has already been calculated long time ago, but they couldn’t catch him in the telescope, why today it is called “invisible.” Although this is a purely conventional name, since in fact the object is quite ordinary, it just refers to Atira type asteroids, in which the orbit coincides with the orbit Earth, due to which (and some other characteristics), 2019 LF6 remained “invisible” for many decades.
A photo from open sources
Today, astronomers have calculated not only size but also orbit mysterious asteroid that allows 2019 LF6 to do full revolution around the Sun in 151 days, approach Mercury and go beyond Venus.
Now, independent astronomers say, finally find the Earth’s twin – Gloria, who is also much talked about, but nobody really saw her in a telescope. And although NASA experts assure us that no Gloria exists (specifically Two STEREO satellites launched for this purpose allegedly circled around 2006 year the Sun in search of the Earth, but found nothing), judging at today’s discovery of the asteroid 2019 LF6, Gloria may well also be a kind of “invisible”. It’s not from the floundering bay that he wrote Pythagoras about her …
Or maybe, in this case, the planet Nibiru will be found – early or late? Cosmos is the great abyss of mysteries and secrets to which we just starting to approach modestly, and the invisible asteroid suddenly discovered by astronomers today serves only confirmation of this …
Sun Telescope