The new private space company Lunar Station set its main task to launch the MoonWatcher satellite into Earth orbit in early 2018. It is planned that the satellite will subsequently carry out a webcast of the lunar surface in real time, based on images from the space probe.
The company's representatives said that the main purpose of this launch is to accelerate the exploration of the moon and to bring the natural satellite of the Earth closer to people. “The Lunar Station wants to connect humans to the Moon with an impressive new mission, the first step in which will be the MoonWatcher,” the company's website says.
In order to launch this mission, Lunar Station has launched a fundraising campaign through which it plans to raise $ 150,000 by March 12th. Blair DeWitt, founder and CEO of the company, and his colleagues have already booked a seat for the CubeSat on the LauncherOne Virgin Galactic launch vehicle, which is scheduled to take off in February 2018.
It is planned that after launching into Earth's orbit, the MoonWatcher probe, 30 centimeters long and 10 by 10 in width and height, will provide a clear and detailed image of the moon, and then the company will broadcast a view of the moon in real time on the YouTube channel.