A photo from open sources
NASA’s US Space Agency Launches New intimidating video showing how close to a collision with Earth will be the massive asteroid 2012 DA1, which will pass about of our planet next week. Only a week left that day as an asteroid measuring 150 feet and weighing 130,000 tons will pass so close to our planet that it will cross the trajectory meteorological satellites. This will be the closest walkthrough an object of this size to Earth. But scientists promise that the asteroid will pass no closer than 17100 kilometers from Earth. “Not, collisions with the Earth is impossible. However, the asteroid will pass so close to Earth that astronomers from eastern Europe to Australia will be able to see it even with binoculars, “said Donald Jomans, NASA Near-Earth Manager in Pasadena, State California.
Several hundred satellites rotate at an altitude of 22,300 kilometers. from Earth, but Dr. Jomans and other scientists say probability his collisions with at least one of them are extremely small. Nonetheless, satellite operators are warned and will track the movement object. It’s not yet possible to see the asteroid with the naked eye, which is considered small. The asteroid that became the cause of the death of dinosaurs 65 million years ago was scientists 6 miles wide. If asteroid 2012 DA1 still encounters Earth – which is impossible, is immediately added, energy is released, equivalent to the explosion of 2.4 million tons of TNT that could destroy everything 750 square miles around the place of its fall. Most of the asteroids in the solar system are between orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and remains stable for billions of years, but sometimes some of the meteorites erupt and pass around the Earth. An asteroid will be invisible to to the naked eye, and for observers with binoculars and telescopes appears as a small dot of light. Best places to observations will be Asia, Australia and Eastern Europe.
Australia NASA