A photo from open sources
Astronomers at the NASA Space Agency argue that tomorrow on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan should fall two meteorites.
Fortunately, these boulders are not serious danger to residents of both countries. The fact that meteorites are not very large, the more they will collapse, according to the calculated territory, in a desert area, far from residential or industrial buildings. And finally, some of these celestial bodies will have time to burn in atmosphere, so only a small fraction will reach the surface of the earth, not capable of causing great destruction and harm.
The approximation of these meteorites recorded research NASA satellite, which was reported to the entire world astronomical community. However, Russian experts do not yet confirm this information, although not refuting it. Moreover, such space “gifts” do not pose a serious threat.
True, modern means of detecting space bodies so imperfect that to determine with absolute accuracy, when, where exactly and what size is stone (or even iron) the lump will collapse to Earth, almost impossible. Otherwise, we would advance knew, for example, about the Chelyabinsk meteorite and were not afraid periodically fireballs flying past our planet (and suddenly all the same face it?).
What is the probability of collision with meteorites and asteroids
By the way, today there is an international network asteroid hazard warnings (IAWN), which the other day successfully tracked an asteroid flying past Earth under a code titled “2012 TC4”.
October 12 at about 9 a.m. Moscow time this a rather large space object calmly passed our of the planet at 44 thousand kilometers, which is approximately 11 percent of the distance from us to the moon.
A photo from open sources
However, is the IAWN capable of tracking all possible collisions with meteorites, of which millions fly around the Earth? Nonetheless, similar systems gradually improve and become indispensable in space exploration and ensuring safe the existence of our civilization. Note by the way that the IAWN scientists still escorting the asteroid “2012 TC4”, predicting that he will return to Earth as early as 2050 and 2079, and his last getting close to our planet can be very dangerous …
NASA Russia