If you dreamed of something unpleasant, or the dream scared you, do not rush to get upset. Not all dreams are meaningful. To understand if the dream will come true, look at the lunar calendar. Marketability depends on the phase of the night star, the lunar day, and the time interval of the night when it happened to be seen. All prophetic dreams after the sixteenth lunar day come true in the distant future
Dream on the day of the lunar calendar
Knowing what is the lunar day today, you can cope with your emotional state after sleep. According to the lunar calendar, you can determine whether a dream will come true.
Avestan astrology divides the entire lunar month into periods:
- 14, 15, 16, 24, 28 lunar days – prophetic dreams come;
- 1, 9, 13 days of the lunar calendar – empty dreams ('bodily');
- the rest of the lunar days – Morpheus 'plays' with you (dreams come true with a 50/50 probability – they should not be trusted);
- lunar eclipse – dream of prophetic ones that help relieve internal tension to get rid of complexes.
All prophetic dreams after the sixteenth lunar day are fulfilled in the distant future, and dreams of the first half of the lunar month are destined to come true very soon.
Interpretation of dreams on lunar days
Competently analyze your dream – this will help you cope with current problems.
A dreamed dream is prophetic only if it was good, joyful. Bad dreams are not worth your attention – they will melt away on their own. If the first part of the 1st lunar day falls on the time when you sleep, then before going to bed you need to think exclusively of good things in order to program your coming month to fulfill the bold expectations of a creative direction.
On this night, Morpheus usually “pampers” with pleasant dreams, but nothing significant. As an exception, advice may come on how to proceed in the future. They will be given in a very veiled form – do not try to figure them out on your own (in the absence of experience). Either ask a specialist, or just forget what you saw.
On the one hand, these dreams do not come true, they are devoid of importance, on the other hand, they test your strength, control your energy. The symbol of the third lunar day is a snow leopard, and the whole day is devoted to strength and struggle, so even in a dream you should not give up 'at the mercy of the winner'.
If today in a dream you had to hurt yourself or see blood, this is a bad omen. If you have a dream about a battle, overcoming some obstacles, pay attention to the outcome of the fight:
- you defeated the enemy, coped with the obstacle – a good sign;
- you lost – in the morning, remembering, try to 'replay' it in your head, change the ending to a good one.
Dreams of this night are happy, prophetic with a great potential of time – they come true in the distant future. You may also dream of warnings of impending danger. It's good if you dreamed:
- Trees, grass, leaves.
- Your loved ones who have already died – on this night such a dream – for good (they are guarding you).
- Your parents (it doesn't matter: dead or alive) – they help you, because something is difficult for you.
Feature today:
- If you are dreaming of a journey, or you are on the way – a good sign
- A nightmare or just a bad dream is a bad omen (warning about existing hidden health problems). It is advisable to visit a doctor.
Dreams (good and bad) of this night should be silent. They contain something important in an allegorical form. They can be both prophetic and reminiscent of an important unfinished business that you have forgotten about.
Informative (most often positive) today are prophetic. Execute quickly if you don't tell anyone about them. The meaning of dreams is easy to understand, which will allow you to quickly apply the information received in life.
The dreams of this night are milestones by which you can orient yourself on the path of life, tips where you will move in the future. But they are intricate. You will be able to understand what the dream predicted only after its fulfillment.
On this night, Morpheus sends most often unpleasant, difficult dreams, but they are not prophetic. Only dreams that predict success are fulfilled. If you have a nightmare today, just forget it.
A night of pleasant fabulous, but unrealizable
A night of pleasant fabulous, but unrealizable. If you suddenly had a disturbing dream, it can just come true within a month.
The 10th day of the Moon is a convenient moment to call the ancestors (professionals will help you to do this). Your deceased relatives can betray important knowledge through a dream.
Today's dream does not need to be deciphered in details (it will not be fulfilled in its pure form), only the sensations from what he saw are important.
Characteristics of the 11 lunar day:
- pleasant and good feelings – you are on the right path in life;
- heaviness on the soul – something went wrong, reconsider your plans, relationships, set other goals;
- in a dream you are the source of evil – your spirituality leaves much to be desired, think about it.
Only good dreams of today can come true. Do not pay attention to bad dreams (albeit bright, realistic).
Characteristics of the 12 lunar day:
- Shows how to solve the problem.
- They check the truth of the wisdom of the sleeper.
This night points to old problems that require an early solution. The fact that this dream is represented in the form of symbols can serve as a hitch, and it is very difficult to figure out what it was about. But if a clear thought is formed in your head (regardless of the dream), it is true. However, today it can 'arrive' and empty, meaning nothing.
Prophetic dreams may occur today. But the sad ones are unlikely to carry useful information, they are more likely to be a reflection of the state of your energy. On the other hand, the dreams of the fourteenth lunar day can bring down a 'sea' of new useful knowledge on you.
Such a huge amount of material is difficult to handle on your own. Write down in great detail and contact a specialist. The professional will choose the most important thing and put everything in its place.
On the 14th lunar day, a dream can tell you:
- the correct solution to a disturbing problem;
- the direction of movement along the path of life;
- the need to change something in life.
Important dreams of this night come in encrypted form. You need to use a dream book that will help you deal with everyday problems.
Today there are dreams of 'purifiers', together with which all bad things leave the sleeping person's life. If a person is sick, the sleep of this night brings recovery, if healthy, it helps to get rid of inner tension.
Today, the feeling after sleep is important, not its content. A pleasant awakening is a great sign, you have chosen the right direction, you can be realized in relationships with people. If waking up, you feel a heaviness in your soul – your views in some areas require revision.
Today you can see:
- an obstacle to your growth and advancement;
- solution to the problem;
- remedy (if there is a disease).
Please note that the dream of the eighteenth lunar day deprives a person of strength. Therefore, it is better to sleep as little as possible tonight.
You can see frightening ones, or ones that will open up a new side of your self. It is better not to engage in the interpretation of these dreams, so as not to draw erroneous conclusions.
Try to formulate a question before going to bed and prepare to receive a vision answer
This is a special night:
- Things can be overwhelmed with critical information.
- These lunar dreams are manageable.
- Today you can penetrate into someone else's dream.
- Short-term actions.
Try to formulate the question before going to bed and prepare for the vision answer. For serious questions, you will most likely be shown the answer.
Favorable, but do not come true, and are quickly forgotten.
In the prophetic dreams of this night there is always a clue on how to solve pressing problems, to improve life.
Despite the fact that today there are unpleasant, frightening dreams, they may contain useful information that needs to be solved.
Today dreams show the state of affairs of the sleeper in the love sphere. Pay attention to your emotions, not the details.
Characteristics of dreams of the twenty-fourth lunar day:
- Tormented by nightmares – you need to pay attention to health in the sexual sphere.
- Good is a great sign indicating complete order in intimate life.
In addition, on the 24th lunar day, dreams give inspiration, suggest how to free your inner self. And this night can also be a manifestation of events from past lives.
On the twenty-fifth night of the lunar month, prophetic dreams come true that come true on the eighth or tenth day. If bad comes, you need to 'get rid of' in the morning. When you wake up, say: “Where is the night, there is a dream,” and then tell your nightmare of water flowing into the drain.
In addition, on the 25th lunar day, there are hints on how to make yourself better. Don't miss your chance to follow the right path of self-improvement.
On this night, they dream of straightforward ones without allegories about your life. You can learn a lot about yourself: what qualities you will manifest in a dream – you really have those. Sometimes Morpheus entertains with unusual dreams that improve mood.
Today dreams are presented in a symbolic form, but they are prophetic. If they can be correctly interpreted, then you can find out the true essence of the people around you and the situation. You can find out to what extent your ideas about your own life differ from life itself.
The prophetic dreams of this night predict obstacles on the way to the goal. Sleepers can see themselves in a new image, not in their own body. To 'cancel' such a dream, you need to lose money (not on purpose) – this will compensate for the troubles you dreamed about.
Satan sends scary, restless ones that have nothing to do with reality either in the present or in the future.
There are fantastic dreams that rarely come true.
Dreams in the night of the waxing moon are prophetic
Dreams on the waning moon
During the waning moon, you need to deal with the completion of business started on the days when the night star is growing. Therefore, dreams on the waning moon show:
- What to do (what time to finish).
- How to finish what you started.
- What changes will occur in your old plans.
- Events of distant past years.
During the period when the illuminated part of the Moon decreases, Morpheus shows that which will soon lose its meaning for you, will become insignificant, completely disappear from your life. Therefore, if you dream of something bad, disturbing, frightening, causing sadness, this is a very good sign.
Dreams of the waning moon clear all negativity, do not leave troubles and problems, color tomorrow with a positive.
Good dreams during this period are not destined to come true. But this is not a reason to be upset. More importantly, you see the unnecessary elements of your life.
Dreams on the growing moon
If you are wondering whether dreams seen in the night of the growing moon come true, then such dreams are prophetic. They show what is about to happen.
Characteristic of the waxing moon period:
- Heralds a new era in life.
- Show which area needs changes (work, business, personal life, family, finance).
- They suggest where to start moving forward.
In the night of the growing moon, prophetic dreams are dreamed. Moreover, they can be shown in the form of ordinary everyday situations or fantastic stories.
In the full moon
The phases of the moon affect not only the surrounding nature, but also the human body. The full moon is a special period of filling all living things with energy, high water bodies, and enhanced plant growth. This is the time when a person, 'freed' from 'cultural growths', sees the most amazing dreams.
Characteristics of full moon dreams:
- Dream clues. You should listen to them. From them you can learn about what needs to be changed in your life or yourself. It is important to notice the difference between your usual reaction to a similar event and your behavior in a dream – this is a clue on how to improve relationships with people or solve a problem. This help will come in handy in unusual situations, teach you how to behave correctly to achieve the best results. The dream will tell you where you do not need to waste energy, and where to make increased efforts.
- Dream predictions. They are not very long. Rather, they look like a flash of lightning, they are well remembered. In ancient times, priestesses deliberately entered a state of trance in order to see a prophetic dream on a full moon. Prophetic dreams are direct and encrypted. For example, if you dreamed of a person collecting suitcases, he will not necessarily come to you, but you need to prepare to receive guests (they will surely descend). Or another dream: cleaning someone else's apartment. It can equally mean moving, and changes in personal life (marriage or new romantic relationship), and a change in job.
It is believed that the feminine is dominated by the full moon. Therefore, it is women who are more likely to have a prophetic dream at this time.
On the new moon
New moon is the time of the darkest nights. During this period, something new is born. Unlike the full moon, which is responsible for emotions, the new moon encourages reflection in a calm environment.
New moon dreams:
- “reveal the hidden corners of the soul”;
- help to understand yourself;
- show what the sleeper thinks too much about;
- set up to receive prompts from dreams seen on other days.
Sleeping on the new moon can help solve a difficult problem, or suggest what needs to be done for well-being and happiness in the future.
It is advisable to memorize dreams on the new moon, but try to think less about them, so as not to lose energy through thoughts.
Factors affecting the dream come true
If you had a prophetic dream (determined by a lunar day), and the moon was in water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, then the probability of fulfillment increases many times over.
The period of night plays a role:
- Closer to morning, more significant dreams are dreamed.
- Vivid and memorable dreams after three o'clock in the morning come true within the next day.
- If the dream appeared in the period after midnight, but before three o'clock in the morning, it will not come true or will be fulfilled very soon.
Daytime dreams most often mean nothing and do not come true.