A dog in a dream is always a symbol of loyalty, courage, friendliness. Therefore, a dream in which you have to stroke a four-legged friend has a positive meaning, predicts changes for the better.
Often a person strokes an animal in a dream, who in reality needs friendly support. To correctly decipher night vision, you need to remember the details of its plot, the appearance and condition of the dog, and your attitude towards it.
Why dream of stroking a dog – general interpretation
Almost all dream books claim that a dog that appears in a dream indicates the sleeper's desire to meet an old friend or expand the circle of friendships.
If you can see that the animal experiences pleasure and joy from affection, then in reality it will soon have a fun time in a friendly company. If the dog sits calmly, does not react in any way to the fact that it is being stroked, then in reality the dreamer will have to make an effort so that the person he likes of the opposite sex draws attention to him.
The dog caresses, gratefully rubs against the person who strokes him – the dream predicts the normalization of the situation in all spheres of life. There is a bright streak ahead, you can forget about troubles.
A person who strokes a stray dog will face housing problems. If in a dream it is known for sure that the dog has an owner, then the plot takes on the opposite meaning: the dreamer will soon improve his living situation.
Stroking a lot of dogs in a dream – in reality, join a good friendly company or go into a close-knit team.
The dream in which you have to caress a dog with a collar has several interpretations, but they are always associated with money:
- to see a thick, heavy collar with spikes on a large fighting dog – to receive a large income, which will be the result of a lot and hard work;
- to see in a dream an elite dog with a beautiful, fashionable, new collar – to receive easy profit;
- stroking a dog with an old, shabby collar – earn money with hard, exhausting work.
Color and size
When decoding a dream, be sure to pay attention to the color of the dog's hair:
- stroking a black dog – positive changes are coming in life, you will have to make peace with an old enemy, even become his friend;
- to caress a white dog – to a joyful event, to meet a person who is close in spirit, who will brighten up loneliness, give sincere feelings;
- a motley-colored dog promises an improvement in the financial situation;
- a brown dog symbolizes a conservative nature, a person who has seen such a dream does not seek to change habits and lifestyle, although it would be time to do it;
- a red-haired animal promises success in building a love relationship.
Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist If a dog has a long coat in a dream, then one can hope to make a profit. A short-haired dog predicts significant spending. But the purchased items will be important and the shopping will be rewarding.
When decoding sleep, it is extremely important to pay attention to the size of the dog you see. A large animal indicates the significance of future events. A small dog predicts many minor events, which will be associated with troubles and anxieties. And the huge dog foreshadows one single, but large-scale incident.
In order to more accurately decipher the dream in which dogs of different sizes appear, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- stroking a tiny pocket dog – to endless trouble;
- caress a puppy – in reality, give a loved one or a family member warmth and tenderness;
- a person who strokes a spitz, lapdog or other thoroughbred dwarf dog in a dream has not seen his friends for a long time, and they worry about him;
- to caress and soothe a sad, offended dog – attempts to build a love relationship will be useless;
- a small dog responds to affection, rejoices, although he sits on a leash – in reality the dreamer will quarrel with someone, wants to be pitied, but there are no sympathizers in the environment;
- a person not only caresses a small dog, but also gives it a treat – in reality, it is possible to restore friendly relations with a long-standing competitor, and in further matters there will never be conflicts and disputes;
- stroking a large dog – for a family man to great profits, for a single – to the development of new love relationships;
- caress a shepherd dog, mastiff or other service breed – get the necessary help from an authoritative patron;
- a large dog, in response to affection, expresses dissatisfaction, growls – the sleeping person should be more careful to communicate with people from the environment, among them there is an enemy cleverly hiding under a friendly mask.
The character of the dog
According to the dream book, stroking a good dog is always a sign of positive events. Fortune favors the dreamer, there is a bright streak ahead. Perhaps I will be able to see an old friend who will tell the good news.
Caressing an aggressive dog is also, oddly enough, a positive symbol. The dream indicates the strong, confident nature of the dreamer. With such personal qualities, victory over the enemy is not far off.
But if the angry dog responded to the caress with an attack, grabbed the dreamer's hand, then in reality it will not hurt to reflect on life values. The dream hints that in order to eliminate problems, you need to change your nature and lifestyle. If, after caressing, an aggressive dog suddenly became friendly, then this is a warning: the dreamer is too angry and irritated, he must restrain his emotional impulses, or conflicts with loved ones cannot be avoided.
A man strokes a mad dog, in reality he will be disgraced, will be unfairly accused and humiliated by enemies. Canine rabies in a dream is a symbol of enemies plotting intrigues.
To stroke a gloomy, gloomy, offended dog – to the onset of a bright streak in life. And a grumpy, unfriendly dog, looking at the sleeping sullenly, means that competitors and ill-wishers have run out of strength and resources for further warfare, the dreamer can breathe calmly.
Animal condition
When decoding the dream, the dreamer should pay attention to the age and physical condition of the dog he sees:
- stroking a puppy is a harbinger of a romantic relationship;
- middle-aged dog promises success in the business sphere;
- an old, decrepit animal indicates a stable financial situation.
If the dog in a dream has a repulsive appearance, it is unpleasant to stroke it, then the dreamer will try to achieve a positive result in a dubious matter, but everything will end in failure.
A dream in which a dirty, unkempt dog with matted hair appears predicts a deterioration in relations with a friend or loved one. It is most likely that the dreamer will act ugly in relation to a relative, and he will be disappointed and offended. For a family man, a dream warns that you should not cheat on your soulmate.
Dead dog
A dream in which you have to stroke a dead dog seems creepy and unpleasant, but it carries a positive meaning. The dream book indicates that the sleeping person will soon be able to get rid of the accumulated problems.
Emotions of the dreamer
When interpreting a dream, the dreamer must take into account his emotional state, attitude towards the animal:
- stroking a dog with a squeamish feeling – in reality, become a participant in a risky, complex enterprise, as a result, get a good profit;
- treat an animal with tenderness, tenderness – in reality, enter into a new love relationship;
- a feeling of pity and compassion for the unfortunate dog – the dreamer will find surrounded by people who are ready to help with solving problems, provide moral support;
- a feeling of joy and satisfaction from communicating with an animal in a dream arises in a person who in real life has chosen the right path;
- the dog frightened the person stroking it – in reality, it will be possible to resolve a serious conflict without prejudice to the parties;
- sleeping, caressing a dog, does not feel any emotions – in real life, he will move up the career ladder.
Whose dog
A person who has never had a pet in real life needs to remember whether he felt like the owner of the dog he was stroking. If I felt, then soon I will have a chance to meet a good person who will become a faithful friend and reliable assistant.
It happens that the sleeping person strokes his pet, long or recently deceased in real life. The dog, who became alive and well in a dream, promises a date with an old friend, with whom it was not possible to meet for a long time because of his residence in another city. Most likely, a friend will bring great news with him.
A dream in which you have to stroke a pet belonging to a friend or unfamiliar person promises acquaintance with pleasant people. And if an unfamiliar dog appears in a dream, then in real life you need to exercise extreme caution and vigilance, since there is a high probability of encountering scammers.
Dreams of stroking a dog for a woman, a man
Miller's dream book states that a dog for a woman is an image of a faithful friend or life partner. When a dreamer caresses a dog in a dream, then in real life she needs help. And she can be sure that close people will help her at the first call.
Moreover, the dream suggests that you should not give up friendly support, because the dreamer cannot cope with the accumulated problems on her own.
A woman caressing a cute lap dog in a dream will have fun in reality. Most likely, friends will invite her to a party. Moreover, at this event, there is a high probability of meeting a man from a past life.
The dreamer talked about this man for a long time, she wanted to improve relations. However, attempts to renew the love affair will end in nothing. A short romantic and sexual relationship is possible, and then another breakup.
In a dream, an unmarried girl caresses a good-natured and calm black dog, and she licks her hands – in reality, the dreamer will enter into a marriage relationship that will be happy and long-lasting.
To an unmarried guy, a dream hints that he has chosen the right applicant for a marriage union. The dream is favorable for the dreamer who has decided to end his bachelor life.
And a married man can have no doubt that his married life will be harmonious, long, full of happy events, based on trust and mutual respect. Most likely, the dreamer will live with one woman all his life.
A dream in which you have to stroke a dog always carries a positive meaning, even if the animal is dead. Fortune smiles at the dreamer, matters argue, loyal friends are ready to help in difficult times.
Night vision promises a date with an old friend, a fun pastime, a meeting with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, getting rid of accumulated problems. Moreover, even an old and unpleasant-looking dog promises changes for the better.