A photo from open sources
In the photo: Tungusquits – fragments of the Tunguska comet
Analysis of 12 samples of native iron with a total weight of 96 kg and high-grade glasses discovered in 2012 40 km east from the epicenter of the Tunguska catastrophe, allowed the Russian to the researcher of comet meteorites Evgeny Dmitriev do the assumption that the progenitor of a meteorite exploded over the Earth June 17, 1908, was Jupiter.
Scientist’s article published in the collection “System” Planet Earth ” for 2015.
According to his hypothesis, one more to the list of 120 existing ones – “The Tunguska meteorite was a fragment of the core of an eruptive comet, falling from the meteor shower Beta Taurid, it was lump of loosely bound marine sedimentary rock with a high content silicon and sodium, with the inclusion of fragments of other rocks. ”
“Since the Beta Taurid meteor shower came from Comet Enke, being a short-period comet of the Jupiter family, then means that before the comet erupted, this lump was part of the stone bark the core of the planet Jupiter, “Dmitriev told Interfax in Monday.
Researcher acknowledges that “for the scientific community an insurmountable obstacle to accepting the comet eruption hypothesis unimaginably high speeds – of the order of 60 km / s – necessary to release comets beyond the Jupiter gravitational field. ” “Such speeds are unattainable from the point of view of modern science,” he noted.
Explaining his hypothesis, which is in contradiction with modern science, Dmitriev cited the words of the famous Soviet astrophysicist Victor Hambartsumyan, according to which “to no extent the knowledge of any phenomenon we cannot be guaranteed in that we have exhausted all the possibilities of explaining this phenomenon on based on the famous laws of physics. ”
Dmitriev – founder and follower of the relatively new directions in science, known as comet meteorics. By his conviction, comet meteorites are the result of comets having eruptive nature of origin – that is, comets are not remnants of protoplanetary clouds and do not contain relict matter The solar system, rather are fragments of stone crust giant planet cores ejected from their bowels by an eruptive process unknown nature.
Researcher convinced that it’s “comets that constantly life on earth and are the main distributors of life in Universe, “and giant planets are the main generators of life.
The researcher recalled that the “eruptive hypothesis of origin comets advanced as early as 1812 by Joseph Louis Lagrange. ”
“Such a mechanism exists in nature and will soon be open,” – sure Dmitriev.
Full article by Dmitriev http://bourabai.ru/dmitriev/ferrum.htm
Jupiter’s life