Researchers at the University of Northumbria in the course of their scientific work came to very unexpected conclusions: recently, the activity of the Sun has significantly decreased, which can lead to a very disastrous result – in 15 years a new ice age may begin on our planet.
According to scientist Valentina Zharkova, this is due to special fluctuations in the Sun, whose activity lasts only 11 years, after which two magnetic waves appear in the layers of the star.
Thanks to these waves, scientists were able to measure the activity of the Sun with an accuracy of 97%. According to the latest calculations by researchers, in 2020, the 24th cycle of activity will end. Once it is over, a very long period of 'calm' will begin, which they believe will lead to an ice age. It has already been dubbed the Maunder minimum.
Something similar humanity has already experienced in the distant 1645-1715, when the average air temperature on Earth dropped by 1.3 divisions. This, in turn, led to the destruction of crops and famine.
Sources: iflscience