Scientists have discovered about 500 mysterious explosions in galactic nuclei

Scientists have discovered about 500 mysterious explosions in galactic nuclei

The Gaia mission specializes in the study of the Milky Way. In addition, the study of extragalactic objects is taking place in parallel. The system of the device automatically sends reports to the Earth about the occurrence of the next flashes or explosions, which are called transients. Based on this, a project was prepared, according to which Gaia can be used to detect absolutely all explosions in the nuclei of galaxies.

In just one year, about five hundred such short-lived flares were detected. And the more scientists observe them, the faster they come to solve the mystery of the nature of these explosions. The leaders of the new project conducted a large-scale study, as a result of which it turned out that the automatic system was only able to warn about flares in galactic nuclei five times in time, although there were about five hundred of them during the studied time period. Note that the research method was based on a mathematical scheme of its own design.

The authors of the project note that research in this direction is very important, because transients often arise when black holes swallow the stars of galaxies. Accordingly, having received more data, we will be able to find these very Black Holes, which at rest remain invisible to modern telescopes.

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