Scientists: people with negative Rh factor may be descendants of aliens

Scientists: people with negative Rh factor may be descendants of aliens

According to a number of scientists from different countries and, in particular, the famous American paranormal researcher Brad Steiger, the descendants of aliens live on Earth. They are carriers of a negative Rh factor. In the modern world, there are about 1 billion such people, and all of them are not quite ordinary. Brad Steiger himself believes that these individuals are either from a special genetic line of 'Homo sapiens', or the descendants of aliens.

The fact is that according to the laws of genetics, a person can inherit only those properties that his ancestors possessed (unless, of course, we are not talking about mutation). Therefore, if a man and a monkey descended from the same ancestor, then their blood must be compatible. Thus, the fact that all primates have Rh factor positive leaves unexplained the question of the origin of negative Rh factor in humans. New research indicates that such people may be descendants of an unknown ancestor or alien aliens.

These conclusions are supported by statistics, which indicate that people with negative rhesus have a lot in common. So, often these people have red hair, as well as blue or green eyes, their body temperature is below 36.6 degrees, and their IQ level is quite high.

The same statistics show that 85% of white people are Rh-positive (respectively, 15% are Rh-negative). In addition to its importance in blood transfusion, the Rh system of blood groups, in particular antigen D, is one of the main causes of hemolytic jaundice of newborns or erythroblastosis of the fetus. At the same time, in order to prevent data from getting sick, it is necessary to prevent Rh-conflict.

Sources: Informing

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