Scientists unveiled photos of Chelyabinsk meteorite. And in Etkulsky district found the largest of wreckage

Ural scientists published photos of Chelyabinsk meteorite made with a microscope. Scientists have published photos of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. And in the Etkul district found the largest of the wreckagePhoto from open sources Chelyabinsk meteorite under a microscope

As the correspondent of the “New Region”, scientists of the Institute physics of metals of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences examined a fragment of a cosmic body found near a wormwood on Lake Chebarkul, using an electron microscope with an increase in 500 times.

New Region: Scientists unveiled photos of the Chelyabinsk meteorite (PHOTO)A photo from open sources

In the macro photograph of the wreck you can see the chondra – the main a sign confirming the extraterrestrial origin of the substance. Chondras are rapidly solidified drops of molten silicate substances and are the main structural elements of 90% meteorites called chondrites.

New Region: Scientists unveiled photos of the Chelyabinsk meteorite (PHOTO)A photo from open sources

The chemical composition of the fragment is specified, but it is known that it is part of stone-metal chondritis, which may include more than a dozen chemical elements, including silicates, aluminum, nickel, iron, sulfur and others, says “Russian newspaper”.

Currently fragments of a meteorite that fell in the Southern Urals 15 February, scientists from several Ural universities are studying.

Meanwhile, today it became known that in the Etkul region several dozen fragments of a meteorite were found, mainly less than 5 millimeters, a third – from 1 to 2 centimeters, but there is one – by far the largest of those found – ranging in size from 3 to 4 centimeters.

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