Everyone knows that there are practically no rocks left on our planet that were formed in the early stages of the Earth's history, since they were destroyed by the forces of erosion and the movement of lithospheric plates. That is why scientists pay great attention to the study of the soil of Mars and the Moon. So, almost fifty years ago, the Apollo mission delivered several samples of lunar soil to Earth. However, some American scientists point out that the research results cannot be considered to reflect reality.
For example, a group of experts noted that meteoroids often fall on the surface of the moon, resulting in the formation of formations called spherules. Previously, it was concluded that the frequency of falling meteoroids has increased, however, scientists do not agree with this. They argue that in order to judge this, it was necessary to take soil samples several meters deeper. Only then could the real picture of the frequency of collisions of a satellite with meteoroids on the basis of the distribution of spherules be revealed.
It should be noted that understanding these phenomena is fundamentally important for the Earth, since it is from such natural disasters that life on our planet was repeatedly interrupted. In particular, dinosaurs became extinct.