According to the head of the American company Space X Elon Musk, in the next 40-100 years, a fleet of new ships will deliver about 1 million people to Mars, after which the active population of the Red Planet will begin, but is this really so?
Scientists from all over the world disagree on this point. Many have asked themselves the question of what the colonization of Mars can lead to, if, first of all, it requires a person to endure superloads from a long stay in space. A number of specialists recalled the so-called Nikolaev effect, when in 1970 cosmonauts Andriyan Nikolaev and Vitaly Sevastyanov, after an 18-day expedition into space, got serious health problems. Immediately after landing, Nikolaev fainted. The doctors diagnosed a 20% decrease in heart volume and a decrease in the minute blood cycle in both astronauts. Nikolaev suffered two heart attacks in a year.
As a result, most of the scientists agreed that, given the current speeds of spacecraft movement in space, a flight to Mars could become fatal to humans. Current research confirms that after space flights, changes in the composition of human blood occur, the fragility of bones increases (calcium is washed out), and immunity decreases. All this suggests that it is too early to populate the Red Planet.
Sources: Star