Seeing a little crocodile in a dream – a dream book

A small crocodile looks less creepy than an adult relative, but in a dream it also warns of negative events. The image of a reptile in a dream always indicates danger, the sleeper should prepare for an unexpected betrayal by a loved one, for intrigues in a team or business.

Much less often, an animal promises positive changes. To correctly decipher a dream, you need to remember the details of its plot.

Why is the little crocodile dreaming

Why does the little crocodile dream – general interpretation

A small crocodile in a dream is a symbol of threat. As a reptile surreptitiously attacks the victim, drags it under the water, so the dreamer in real life will face an insidious enemy, from whom he will receive a lot of evil and pain.

Moreover, this enemy may be a close friend, from whom the sleeper could not expect such baseness and meanness. The betrayal will be so heavy that the dreamer will lose faith in people for a long time.

Often, a dream in which a small reptile appears indicates mistakes in the business sphere, which will give competitors a chance to move forward, leaving the dreamer far behind.

A person who is very close to a crocodile in a dream will in reality be drawn into a dubious enterprise, which with a high probability will end badly.

And the image of a crocodile in a dream warns that you will have to cope with all the troubles that are piling on yourself. You should not hope for help from the people around you.


A crocodile with a green skin predicts an unexpected inheritance of large property. Sometimes a dream means that one of the dreamer's friends will defect to the enemy.


Although white is considered a positive color that sets you up for the best, in dreams about a crocodile the opposite is true. A small reptile with a white skin – a warning of danger and betrayal. There is a high probability of a conflict situation, but it can be prevented if the heat of passions is extinguished in time.


If you dreamed about a dead little crocodile, you will be able to defeat a strong competitor.


A dream in which a picture of a reptile or a toy in the form of a crocodile appears can have different interpretations:

  1. An inflatable rubber crocodile is most often an indication that the sleeper is doing the right thing, moving away from a certain person from the environment, fearing him. Sometimes sleep has a positive meaning, promises to receive a presentation, good news or a meeting with an old friend.
  2. The dream in which you have to draw a crocodile is a reflection of childhood memories.
  3. Swimming with a toy crocodile – to positive changes and exciting events.
  4. The toy came to life, the dreamer plays with it without fear – to fulfill the most unusual dream. Still, such a dream can promise positive events and good news, from which one cannot protect oneself.
  5. The animal depicted on the label or poster is a warning about the hypocrisy of a friend trying to drag the dreamer into a bad deed. No matter how strong the friendship is, you need to listen to the mind.

A lot of

A large number of small crocodiles is a warning about a danger that can be avoided.

To see many alligator cubs swimming in the water is a hypocrite among colleagues who is ready to frame. The main thing is to figure it out in time, until it harms the dreamer and other members of the team.

A sleeping person, swimming in a pond, sees around him a large number of caiman cubs – in real life, you should not blindly trust the people around him. Many of them wear a disingenuous mask.

Seeing a little crocodile in a dream

For both women and men, a dream in which a small crocodile appears is most often a warning about the presence of an insidious enemy surrounded by it. In order not to get stabbed in the back, it is necessary to carefully choose people for communication, not to blindly trust even the closest person.

The meaning of sleep may be different for dreamers of different sexes. For accurate decoding, plot details should be taken into account.


A dreamer who sees a small alligator will soon reach an understanding with a certain person.

For a woman who sees an animal in the toilet or bathroom, a dream promises active sexual relations or pregnancy.

The dreamer is fighting a small reptile – in real life, she will win in an extremely important matter, will be able to cope with serious troubles, and achieve her goal.

Little crocodile

To the girl

A dream in which a girl sees a little crocodile promises a gift.

If the dreamer holds a tiny animal in her hands, strokes it, then in reality there is a high probability of conceiving a child.

Expert opinion Natalia Aleksandrova Numerologist, parapsychologist, tarologist If a girl sees a little crocodile in her bathroom, then in reality she will meet a person of the opposite sex, but he will be rude and repulsive.


A small reptile promises a pregnant woman the birth of a boy who will have a capricious and restless disposition.


The dream promises a man who has seen many little crocodiles, vivid relationships with individuals of the opposite sex, countless love adventures.

The place where the crocodile dreamed

When decoding a dream, it is important to consider where the crocodile was, how he felt, what he was doing in this place.

In water

A dream in which a crocodile is in water can have different meanings:

  1. A small animal floating in the water is an image of a hypocritical and insidious person. Someone from the inner circle is not trustworthy.
  2. The reptile is in natural conditions, swimming in the reservoir – you should prepare for minor troubles that will ruin your rest.
  3. The animal jumps out of the water, pounces on the sleeping person – conflicts and scandals are ahead. However, a conflict situation may reveal the real enemy.
  4. The crocodile floats on clear water – a dream cannot be fulfilled. But according to the Modern Dream Book, a small crocodile floating in a clean reservoir is a warning of a dangerous situation.
  5. The sleeper goes to swim, but sees that the reservoir is teeming with fish and crocodiles – to negative events.
  6. The animal swims into the sea – the dreamer risks missing the opportunity. Sometimes a dream indicates a blues, a lack of hope.

In home

A crocodile as a pet is an unexpected image in a dream, but it promises an improvement in relations with an old enemy.

Running after a reptile around the house, trying to catch it – to problems in the home, an emergency. Drive an animal out of the house with a broom or mop – to everyday problems that cannot be dealt with properly.

Crocodile as a pet

In the bathroom

Seeing a small animal on the floor in a sanitary room is a breakdown of plumbing. Also, sleep can warn of an unexpected negative event, conflict, or a disease of the digestive system.

Swimming in a bath with a live crocodile is a problem in everyday life. If a reptile climbs into the pipe, you won't have to cope with problems, they will disappear on their own.

Seeing a crocodile egg in the bathroom is a strange situation. Watching a cub hatch is surprising.

In the apartment

The reptile in the dreamer's apartment warns of negative events associated with the aggressive behavior of a certain person.

A crocodile swimming in an aquarium in someone else's home is a warning of trouble. They will be minor, but you will have to sweat to get rid of them.

There are many small reptiles in someone else's apartment – surrounded by evil and insidious personalities, skillfully hiding their true intentions under a benevolent guise. However, these people can be overcome: their anger is great, but they have little intelligence and cunning.

In zoo

A crocodile in a zoo is a harbinger of either traveling to a distant country, or getting into a strange situation.

In hand

The dreamer, holding a tiny crocodile in his hands, admitted into the environment of a certain person who cannot be trusted. This is an insidious person, aimed at destroying the plans of the sleeper.

The dreamer or one of his acquaintances leads the crocodile on a leash – to an unusual incident. Also, a dream can warn that it will not be possible to conceal one's own anger and aggression for long: sooner or later, negativity will pour out on others.

Little crocodile in hands

At work

An animal in the sleeping place at work or school warns of minor troubles and disputes. The debater is angry and offended by the dreamer, but he cannot harm him.

A reptile lies on a work or writing desk – for a gift or acquaintance with an unpleasant person.

Catching a crocodile in the workplace – in reality, determine the cause of the trouble.


When decoding a dream, it is necessary to take into account what the reptile did, how it behaved in relation to the sleeping person, what actions the sleeping person did.


A dream in which a small reptile tries to bite reflects the character traits of the dreamer himself: the desire to climb ahead, show aggression, stubbornly rush forward, just to prove to others his importance. These personality traits can negatively affect business relationships and financial standing.

If the animal does not bite painfully, playfully, then you should prepare for minor troubles.


The dreamer faced the attack of a crocodile – in reality, he will be subjected to malicious attacks by one of the family members.

A dream in which two predators attack each other has a negative meaning. In real life, the sleeper will witness a fierce confrontation between two strong competitors.

If the dreamer observes how the crocodile pounces on the ungulate, then in reality he will intercede for a weak and helpless colleague.


A person who feeds a tiny crocodile will in reality establish relations with a longtime competitor.

The sleeping person watches how the crocodile feeds, tears the victim apart – in reality, he will witness injustice, but will not be able to correct the situation.

Feed the crocodile

Run away

A crocodile is chasing a sleeping person – in real life, you need to keep at a distance an insidious person wearing a friendly mask.

The animal catches up with the dreamer on land – to positive events.

I managed to escape from the reptile – things will go up, there will be an opportunity to solve complex problems.


Hush up the conflict. A dream in which it was possible to drive the animal out into the street has a similar meaning.

Step on

The dreamer crushed a tiny crocodile – to big troubles, which will have to be dealt with alone. It will be possible to solve the problems, the main thing is to show perseverance.


Buying crocodiles for breeding is an indication of the willingness to do everything possible to achieve the goal, improve the financial situation.

A small crocodile in a dream is a negative image in most cases. This is an indication of the presence in the environment of a dangerous, insincere, ready for betrayal person. The dream warns of scandals, conflicts, unpleasant surprises, as well as the need to be careful when dealing with people, even loved ones.

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