If you are yawning or hiccupping, signs will tell you who remembers you and what to expect in the near future. Some of them predict an unexpected pleasant meeting, others – the evil designs of enemies. And if you hiccup or yawn for a long time, and it bothers, then a simple ritual and prayer will help stop the unpleasant sensations.
Meaning of hiccups by day of the week
In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the signs about hiccups, pay attention to the day of the week on which it happened.
- If she attacked at the beginning of the week, then someone's thoughts are too busy with you. This can be anyone, for example, a boss who enthusiastically looks at the report on the results of your work, or an ill-wisher who weaves intrigues.
- Signs by days of the week can tell you why hiccups happen on Tuesday – a fan / fan is dreaming of meeting you, or loved ones are bored. The thoughts of this person are exceptionally kind.
- Hiccup on Wednesday predicts a conversation, both in person and in correspondence.
- If you hiccup on Thursday, then you should prepare for a business conversation or a love date.
- With hiccups on Friday, a sign promises parting with a loved one. And if he is expensive, try to keep yourself in control and not provoke a quarrel. Otherwise, this meeting may be the last.
- Hiccup on Saturday – do not give the slightest reason for jealousy. On this day, the other half will carefully monitor your behavior and seek confirmation of your suspicions.
- If the hiccups happen at the end of the week, a pleasant pastime with a loved one is in store. Forget about troubles on this day – only kisses await.
Value at different times of the day
There are also more accurate interpretations of signs about hiccups – by the hour.
- If the hiccups attacked in the morning – between 5 and 9 o'clock – the day will be successful. You will easily deal with all the small tasks and matters.
- Hiccup between 10 and 12 o'clock – a person who does not want to reveal his feelings is in love with you.
- Hiccups, which fall at 12-17 o'clock, promises a lot of trouble and difficulties in current affairs.
- Hiccup in the evening, at 17–20 o'clock – the desire to spend money will entail serious losses. But when you hiccup for a long time, then the prediction is the opposite – luck will accompany, and profit is possible.
- If the hiccups attacked at 21-24 o'clock, then, according to folk signs, they promise news from afar.
- By take, the hiccups that occur at night promise changes that you cannot influence.
How to stop hiccuping with superstitions and other rituals
If the hiccups haunt you, you can do the following:
- Turn the bread knife with the blunt side to the chest and draw a cross or gently press the tip to the bridge of the nose.
- In ancient times, it was believed that hiccups appear due to the tricks of evil spirits. And to stop her, they said three times the words of a prayer dedicated to the Mother of God, which ended like this: 'Lord, remember King David and all his meekness.'
- You can follow the example of the British, who, when hiccupping, bent to the ground, while crossing the toes of their left feet.
- When hiccupping, you can remember the time and day, as was done in the old days. Then, when the attack happened again, they called this date and time, after which the hiccups would stop.
- A hiccuping person can be scared by unexpectedly clapping their hands or shouting loudly near the ear. At the same time, evil spirits disappear immediately, and the hiccups disappear.
Signs about yawning
The inhabitants of the East believed that a yawning person clears the chakras, while they are activated.
- One of the signs says that the yawning that suddenly happened during prayer was caused by someone's evil eye.
- When a sick person yawns, it means that someone has corrupted him, which is why the illness itself happened.
- If a healthy person yawns, it is worth preparing to meet guests.
- If the yawning continues for a long time, an ill-wisher will soon appear on the way.
- When you start to yawn, being next to some person, it means that you have fallen under the influence of an energy vampire. With envy and anger, he takes away energy, which is replaced by weakness, which is why yawning begins.
- As you know, yawning is contagious, and by it you can determine the attitude of any person towards yourself. To do this, it is recommended to simply yawn, and if the interlocutor sympathizes and does not conceal any evil thoughts, then he will respond in kind. But if there is no reciprocal yawn, you should beware.
Other signs and superstitions about yawning talk about why you need to cover your mouth when doing this. Ancient Turks and Greeks said that the palm blocks the exit from the soul, and it will not slip out of the body.
In Russia, they thought otherwise – the hand during yawning protects the penetration of evil spirits inside. And for greater reliability, the mouth was baptized. There was a version that if this is not done, the face will be distorted.
You should not take signs about hiccups and yawns, which have an unpleasant interpretation, seriously. Beliefs suggest that it can follow both yawning and hiccuping. Therefore, you can influence the situation or prevent trouble by prayer.