On June 17, 2013, at a press conference in New York, representatives of the Lone Signal organization made an official statement that an interstellar message was transmitted to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations from earthlings. This message was transmitted via a huge parabolic antenna in Jamesburg (Carmel, California). Previously, it belonged to NASA and was aimed at the star system Gliese 526 located at a distance of 17.6 light years from our planet.
The broadcast message, written and voiced by futurist scientist Ray Kurzweil at a meeting with students at Singularity University, contained the following information: 'Citizens of Gliese 526, welcome to Singularity University. You were able to receive this message thanks to the computers we created, which made us smarter and made it possible to understand not only you, but also to comprehend the wisdom of the Universe. '
On the night of the same day, several other messages were sent to the system. Now, in principle, the message can be sent by anyone who is registered at this address. The message must be 144 characters long and may be accompanied by an image.
The first message sent to the Gliese 526 system will reach its target in 2031. At that time, according to the calculations of Ray Kurzweil, thanks to advanced technologies in the future, mankind will be able to decipher the answer from the 'alien brothers' (if they even decide to answer us). The response message is planned to be received no earlier than 2048, because until that time the aliens will decipher the earthly message.
Gliese 526 is not an accidental candidate for the message. According to scientists, in this system, the planets are in the so-called 'Goldilocks zone', and the conditions on them are conducive to the emergence and existence of life. And due to the close proximity of Gliese 526 to Earth, as well as its location relative to the Jamesburg transmitting antenna, the system became an ideal object for the first time to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
In the future, it is planned to send messages to other stellar systems close to the Earth and suitable for life.